Raven Story Part 3

I made up the story as I went, the pic is what the classroom looks like, instead of grades the classes are referred to as Class #x, example: Class 2x is for levels 20-29.

The moment I opened the door a slice of cheese whacked my face.
“Jason,” I thought, but to my surprise it was Aaron.
“You could’ve just asked me what homeroom you were in, I looked you up,” Aaron said with a smile nibbling on a piece of cheese. He noticed the blood dripping down my arm.
“Got mixed up with three stooges already?” Aaron asked,”By the way, who’s the girl?”
“Long story, lets get our cheeses back to our seats.” As predicted I sat next to Aaron but to my surprise the girl sat next to me and gave a good look at my arm.
“Don’t worry, it’ll stop bleeding…eventually,” I reassured her while wrapping my arm with some toilet paper I brought. (Don’t ask why O.o) The bell rang and on cue popped in our homeroom teacher and the room fell silent. The teacher I recognized was Mr. Bob, he was my warrior’s physical training teacher back at Class 2x. He was bald (which was a taboo to him) but for what he lacks in hair is matched with his monstrous strength. He wore his usual jagoon armor and blue sneakers.
“Welcome to Class 3x,” Mr. Bob boomed, ”As you might have noticed the year of 3x is a VERY important year, it is the time where all of you can get your advancements to your job. I will pass in your schedules for the rest of the day later on but, I would like to introduce the new students attending the Manji Middle Academy. Would Mr. Kyle and Miss Christina come up here please. I saw a dark-haired boy up front move up and the girl beside me nervously went up too.
“Now Kyle, what was your prior school before coming here?”
“Well I attended the Social Schwarzenegger School in Perion,” Kyle said slowly.
“And what would you be after your job advancement?”
“A Bandit.”
“And why is that?”
“Well I enjoy being on the front line in battles and bandits are very swift.”
“What about you Christina?” Mr. Bob asked.
“I…attended the Ch-Christina District School in Ellinia and I would be a Cl-Cleric because my late grandmother gave me my name which was also a name of a Christian Model in the past,” Christina said softly.
“Very well, AARON, TRISTAN, would you mind touring these two of the school later on?” Mr. Bob asked.
“Why us?” Aaron protested.
“Because since you two always goof off running about the school grounds you should be able to recognize everything by now, any objections Tristan?”
“GREAT! You four will meet up here after school, now have a seat.” Christina sat down beside me.
“S-Sorry,” she said weakly.
“For what?” I asked.
“Well…” She got interrupted by Mr. Bob’s loud booms again.
“Now I hope all of you trained hard during the summer.”
“Yes, Sir,” half the class replied.
“Very well then, today’s first lesson is…” he then reached into his back pocket and thrust steelies at everyone in the class.

21 thoughts on “Raven Story Part 3”

  1. I tried to find a pic of a classroom that resembles the classroom in “Naruto” at the academy ><

  2. Dunno, Christina seemed a little, Naruto-ish, which makes me a little >_________<. The writing is good, but don’t get into the Naruto-zone too quickly, I wanna see something nicely original. D:

    ~Sono-Arch Cookie of o_O

    P.S. I’ll only click the “I Like Button” when I see some of your own style come into the story. ;D

  3. THe name Christina really did originate from the Christian religion, a saint and martyr pre-dating the Catholic and Orthodox congregational tradition and Christina the Astonishing was a holy woman. does it really seem naruto-ish ><

  4. Mipsacri said: “. . . . What does this have to do with MS? Really?

    Yes, flame me, please. But this. . so far. . has NOTHING to do with an MMORPG.


    You either didn’t read the whole thing or you didn’t read it carefully. Otherwise it would be obvious this is about MS.

    But I don’t like this story somehow

  5. sapphire8 said: “

    Mipsacri said: “. . . . What does this have to do with MS? Really?

    Yes, flame me, please. But this. . so far. . has NOTHING to do with an MMORPG.


    You either didn’t read the whole thing or you didn’t read it carefully. Otherwise it would be obvious this is about MS.

    But I don’t like this story somehow

    just cuz his story is better then yours doesnt mean you have to flame it, your just jealous that his stories are better then yours, if you got nothing positive to say then dont say it

  6. icyraven said: “-I am a big person about not cussing in front of little children, therefore all the curse words will be replaced with the word Cheese or any other form of it”

    Does this answer all your questions about cheese?

  7. Quite nice. i like the way how the classes are set.



  8. . . . . What does this have to do with MS? Really?

    Yes, flame me, please. But this. . so far. . has NOTHING to do with an MMORPG.


  9. HAHA lol its awesome, keep writing! i love the beginning cheese slap, and the whole Schwarzenegger school, lm(cheese)o.

  10. 1029384756 said: “

    sapphire8 said: “

    Mipsacri said: “. . . . What does this have to do with MS? Really?

    Yes, flame me, please. But this. . so far. . has NOTHING to do with an MMORPG.


    You either didn’t read the whole thing or you didn’t read it carefully. Otherwise it would be obvious this is about MS.

    But I don’t like this story somehow

    just cuz his story is better then yours doesnt mean you have to flame it, your just jealous that his stories are better then yours, if you got nothing positive to say then dont say it”

    Uh. . .you do know that Mip is one of the most prominent and best writers on MMOT. Able to use spelling, punctuation and grammar correctly. If you were just responding to her request to flame, then I apologize, but I think that you should know that Mip didn’t do it to gain publicity/popularity. <_<;; She doesn’t need it, she already has a huge fan following and an amazing, well-written story.

    Although I agree. She must not have read it carefully enough.

    *sigh* I don’t know. Your story just doesn’t appeal to me. I guess it’s my unbalanced hate of all ‘school’ stories in general, because I’ve seen so many bad ones and it’s set me against them more or less permanently. xD Anyway, have fun, good luck. =D

  11. i have an important question about cheese, in this story well actually in this chapter*, did he litterally smack him with a piece of cheese? or did he smack him with a piece of “”cheeeeeeeeesee””

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