Horses Life

A Horses Life

chapter one

The begining

I remember the day I was born. In the beautiful snow filled mountans of Wyoming. I could smell the sweet sent of flowers who had just bloomed. The only thing that I don’t remember is my mother. She was killed by mountan lions right after I was born. I still remember the Mountan lions faces very clearly and I have seen them since. The male leader of my herd is Zaskar. He is a huge pure black horse with a big scar accross his face. Every one of us in the herd can tell him anywere. The head female of the group was Donny. She is a white and black horse. She looks like any other horse but you can tell here any where because of her horrible temper. “Don’t do this” “stop that” “get away from me”. That seems to be all she ever said. None of us got and ever will get how Zaskar put up with here. As for me I am a tan horse with a long white mane and tail. I have many scars from numerous experiences. My name is Forest. This is because my herd found me laying down not knowing what to do in a small forest. That is one
of the places I remember most. I was tangeled up in thorn bushes and limbes from trees. Then they found me. Cut from the thorns, I took my first steps. I tumbeled to the ground as soon as I got up. Donny reasured me it was normal. I have not seen that soft side of her ever sence. Many other bad things would happen to me after that. After they found me they told me what had happened to my mother (which I already knew but listened to anyway). I didn’t really get it when I was young but as I got older I realized that I would never see my mother again. The only thing I remember about her is her face. I think it was brown with a little black spot on it. That is all I have left of her. I also remember what one of the mountan lions looked like. One time I came face to face with him. When I was about two months old he came to our herd to try to catch a meal. I later learned that he was one of the herds biggest threats. He would always come to our herd to hunt. Most of the time he would get scared of by Zaskar but one time he came after me.

chapter 2

Mountan Lion Atack

When the mountan lion came after me it was not the scariest thing that ever happend to me but don’t get me wrong it was terrifiying. The first thing he did was not very scary because he just came up to me and said hello. He
told me that he only killed my mother because he and his freinds had not
eaten in days. I was stupid when I was young so I told him to come take a
walk with me. Thats when things turned ugly. He started to scratch me and I began to run. Donney noticed us and Zaskar came running towards us. Everyone started screaming and that only made me even more scared for my life. When Zaskar got to us I felt better but was still running for my life.The mountan lion started to lunge at Zaskar and Zaskar began to kick at the lion. Soon the lion was darting off into the distance and I was worried about what Zaskar might say to me. He got very upset with me and I was very sad as I walked away. He called me back and I told him what happend. He was not angry at me anymore and I felt relieved. Zaskar and Donny Had been taking care of me and were like my mom and dad. That night they both told me to never do that again. I haven’t ever since. I guess mountan lions can’t be friends with horses I thought as I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and the herd was getting ready to leave. Horses arealways moving place to place to find new grass and avoid predaters. I guessed it was because I had almost gotten eaten the day before. But it wasn’t. The mountan lion was the reason but not me. The reason was that night while I was sleeping a tradgety happened. Donny was killed. My other mother had gotten killed by the same mountan lion. I was furious, both of my mothers killed I thought as I went to see Zaskar. He was verey upset but was glad to see me. We both led the herd in the direction we were going to head. As we walked I thought, am I a bad luck charm. Both of my mothers killed. Or am I just one unlucky horse. But that was nothing compared to what would happen in the future.

Days passed as we went as far away from where we were as possible. Zaskar didn’t seem like himself all those days. He was there but it seemed like he had drifted away into space. When I called his name he would answer, what hhhaaahhh? He always spoke to horses when they asked him how he was doing somtimes in a mad voice and somtimes in a very sad voice. I didn’t talk to him much and he didn’t talk to me very much either. Most of the herd was usually very quiet. The days went by very slow and I was acing by the end of the day when we got to rest. I felt sorry for Zaskar, he had to stay up all night because Donny wasn’t there to help him keep guard. He somtimes drifted off during the day. When we finally got to where he thought it was safe to stay everyone was very relieved. That night I fell asleep all curled up next to Zaskar.

chapter 3


The next day I woke up as soon as I saw the sun peaking over the herizon.
Zaskar was already getting a drink at the nearby pond. I went to see how he was doing. He still sounded sad but he said he was feeling better. I know I was still sad about Donny. I asked him if I could go explore our new home. I told him that I was five months old and I should be able to. I think he didn’t want to lose anyone else so he got a mare in the herd to take me. I had seen her before but didn’t really know her. I soon found out that she was the last horse Zaskar should have chosen. She was only three years old. When we set off I asked her where we were going to go. She told me I could pick and so we wento the creek that was not very far from the herd. when we got there she told me to stay put and she would go and explore by herself. I was mad I couldn’t go but I wanted to do what I thought Zaskar would want me to do so I stayed put. Hours passed and she never came back for me. I knew Zaskar would be very worried about me so I decided to head home. I knew if I waited any longer I would be in huge danger because it was getting dark. Suddenly I heard a
russiling in the tall bushes next to me. I kept walking hoping that it would go away. But when it got louder and closer I turned around. I soon figured
out that it was a huge gray wolf! I ran and ran with the wolf trailing notvery far behind. Soon the wolf was so close I could feel his breath on mylegs. Pretty soon he was on top of me. I called as loud as I could for
Zaskar and really soon I could here the sound of hoof beats coming my way. Before I knew it the wolf was running back into the bushes. I told him what had happend and he told me to go back to the herd which was nearby. I guess he went to search for the mare. When he got back to the herd late that night she was not with him. We never saw her again.

chapter 4

My best friend

Months passed and life was normal. Nothing exciting or different had happend in a while. We had moved a couple of times since the mare disapeared but that was normal. One thing had happend. A colt had been found and had become part of the herd. We were both a year old now. He had become my best friend. His name was Black. Just plain Black. He claimed his mother named him that but I think he made it up. But thats what we all call him any way. We have become very close. Zaskar was happy that I found a guy friend because I was to be the next lead female of the group and neaded a guy to be with me. I wasn’t so sure about that yet but I kept my mouth shut because I wanted Zaskar to be happy for a change.

Soon Black and I would go on an adventure that would change our lives.

chapter 5

Un Known

15 thoughts on “Horses Life”

  1. horsecrazey said: “and i know its not related to maple story! I HATE YOU!”

    then it belongs in the forum

  2. horsecrazey said: “SSSSSSOOOOO!”

    r u stupid or someting? if it belongs in the forum, then (this is just a thought but) put it in the forum nuff said. Dark out

  3. then put it there

    rules mean alot here on MMOTales

    if your not going to follow them then dont stay

    i dont mean to come off as the picky guy or anything but it belongs in the forum then

  4. Horse meat is really really delicious.

    Smack horse ’til dead.
    Slice and quarter it.
    Broil at 700 degrees for 30 minutes.
    Add cumin, basil, and salt to taste.

  5. people people, people who write storys in MMO tales NEVER write about maplestory they just write outer life storys, and if u say somthing “MEAN” about this blog why don’t u just go and do the same to the other blogs about storys that arn’t related to maplestory?

    (is it me or im i the only person standing up for horsecrazy in this blog)

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