sorry =[

dudes and dudettes… im thinkning of quitting blog… im js tooooooooo lazy to write and i feel guilty of making you guys wait so… maybe after i finish the ying yang story ill quit… but ima still playms.. actually thats kinda the reason imight quit.. everything i turn on the comp i think about writing the new story but my mind goes over to ms… so i dunno… i might continue and imight not… so yea js wanted to let you know XD

13 thoughts on “sorry =[”

  1. It’s understandable.
    Just come back when you want to, alright? We’ll miss you <3

    Take care.

  2. Wow, I’m glad you are leaving. I had trouble reading that, and that was not even a story.

  3. AlterOfGod, that was mean. HolyAngel, don’t leave. ^_^
    We’ll miss you. Who willl write those AWESOME blogs? oO (though i havn’t read em, havn’t got the time yet) =.=

  4. You can do whatever you want to do if you quite we won’t stop you but just remeber write only because you injoy it. It dosen’t mater if other people don’t want to read it, I figur that out the hard way

  5. Aw, Don’t quit >~<
    But then it’s your decision, If you decide to quit, we’ll still be here when you come back. =D

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