Good evening everyone =)
This afternoon held some good susprises for me. First I famed a nice warrior, without expecting him to fame me back but he did . Later I went to loose some time at the subway, where another warrior needed some help to collect huge bubbles, I said “what the heck” so I helped him. As he was about to leave, he famed me too
, and this cute magician who saw the whole thing famed me as well.
The bad thing that happened was that I was sent to the bakery and drug store so I couldn’t meet with yet another warrior who I was supposed to trade some boots (He won a bid I posted on basil). Guess I’m not getting a good feedback now….
Brighter news: my hand healed, so now is a little red but it doesnt hurt anymore.
As for the title, Yay I’ve been a month here on MMO ( and yes I know some will say “I’ve been here for X amount of time, a month is nuthin”, but I dont care, to me a month is quite something) I’ve written 20something blogs and went from level 38 to 41 (now that is not something to be proud of, I level uber slow), although I was kinda bored of maple, so I didn’t play that much. And 15 likes . Im not so “like” hungry, I like more reading the replies from the readers (is that weird?).
So now off to make some more exp. Good night my dear readers, and please reply something, thats my motivation to keep on writting.
P.S. That pic, yeah that was my expression on real life as well, after reading the megaphone.
:] lol yeah glad u met some friendly people on maple ^^
but that megaphone, >_>;
oh lol hey hoku you should try pixies at your lvl i trained there from lvl 43 to 48 trains great if you ask me like 14% per hour
xD You look just like me when I was at that level, and before the Rose Hair Fiasco.
link I ran around with the black (bucket) Distinction hat too. Levelling during that period was darn slow for me too, I remember.
Huntress Pride!
I have no idea why Im clicking I Like hokutodondo. But I will. Hope you get plentiful replies. =P I have a boy character. On Bellocan. Level 18 and dexless sin.
Aw, this is a nice blog. I like people who fame you back. They’re nice. =D
And that megaphone. . .-_____-;;;
Thanks for everything, you make this community really nice.
And SilverFX: Go huntress pride!
*mini edit: Wow frontpage! (This is really my second time, but my first frontpage was deleted, so it doesnt count anymore
) I am really grateful*