Looking for Friends in Cass?

Well, it’s super lonely in Msea!
I miss all my voltage people in Khaini, and it’s kind of hard to adjust without having anyone to talk to.
So, I am looking for friends in MapleSea, in Cass. ^_^

If anyone is interested, they can whisper me at HoboSquirrel theree!


4 thoughts on “Looking for Friends in Cass?”

  1. Aww, i heard MapleSea go Ludibrium, AND have that aquaplace thingy,
    maple global has only ludibrium, =[
    at least you’ll have fun jumping around in the waters when you get boredd

  2. LOL, i’m lvl 32 now but when the story took place it was when i was lvl like, 28 or 29 or 30,
    it makes a big difference, =]

    read my next story, HILARIOUS, not even a story

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