Oh my, why does this game suck more and more each day? So the MS Staff has decided to shut down this gifting option because of credit card frauds. And they are going to ban people who have used this option.
My question is, Why make this “Gifting Sytem” available if you are just going to ban practically everyone? Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, such as, you gifted some NX Cash to your friend’s and it was your own card. Now you don’t really have a choice but to ban yourself for 30 days, or forever. They don’t give you an option of, “It was my card, and I decided this is what I would do with my money.” Instead they have a, “Fess up” option.
And another thing, let’s say your friend was going to gift you NX Cash, and you were so excited to receive it. How would you be able to know that it could of been a stolen credit card? So technically in that situation, it wouldn’t be the buyer’s fault if the seller was using a stolen credit card. INNOCENT PEOPLE SHOULDN’T BE BANNED! T_T
What really ticks me off is that the MS Staff is taking this issue so seriously (although its real money), that they are going to take the initiative to ban hundreds of people. There’s hackers everyday, roaming around MS, and flying above our heads, we RARELY see the GMs do anything about it. Hey, hacking is against the policy, why don’t you ban the hackers?
I myself has used this “Gifting System”, and I admit it. (Not going to tell you how I gifted) I ofcourse don’t wished to be permed banned because I have worked COUNTLESS hours WISHING and DYING to become a priest! It has been my dream to become a priest for the longest time. I’ve been playing for over half a year, and do not wish to get my account taken away from me. FINALLY I am so close, and THIS MOMENT OF GLORY CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY! I’m level 68, and have been busting my buns for months! Yes I admit I am slow, but I am ALMOST there! Another reason why I don’t want to be banned is because I will have to start all over again, and if I must, I might as well just quit and leave my friends behind. These are pretty much the only reasons I play, to stay intouch with friends I have met, and to achieve my dream.
Ugh, this is so unfair.
If you gift only, you are fine. ONLY if you commit a federal crime like fraud then you should own up, if not i will personally gather a few of my global friends to protest their permanent ban for giving each other bday presents
Gifting disabled?
That’s pretty gey
No really.
That was my only source of NX >_> -skims over details~
, my NX,
-starts riot-
commas = dotdotdot’s
Crap. All of my NX outfits have been from the NX my friend sent to me VIA his paypal, and then I pay him back IRL.
This sucks.
the gifting system is working in MapleSEA T_T
if you wanna gift a friend go to his house let him log in on the site and gift it by paypal wooh hard >.>
All Nexon cares about is money. Why do you think asiasoft didn’t ban gifting?
And here is the thing. Why is Nexon so pissed if its a fraud? They arent even losing any sort of inventory. I mean, WE GIVE THEM MONEY AND THEY GIVE US NOTHING TANGIBLE! We are basically DONATING to Nexon Corp when we “buy cash”. So why are they complaining? They aren’t even losing anything of value.
That’s right NEXON! I BOUGHT cash from MESOS you retards, ban me for all i care fools – that’s right – FOOLS!