Thus continues my journey in the maple world..
The first day I of outcast maple acadamy was getting to know about wut this is, learning about different kinds of monsters we would be fighting, and meating our new classmates. There were 2 rogues, 2 mages, 2 bowmen, and me one warrior =/. So in total there was 7 people. A small class maple acadamy wise, but a big class outcast maple acadamy wise.
The rest of the next 3 years I would be spending in this class learning our powers, mastering new skills, and fighting new monsters. Meaning it would suck, but I did not know at the time and just went along with it.
Our classroom of course was a wagon, it was barely bigger then my wagon and 7 ppl were being crammed into thr. The next day we stopped with the whole entire outcast band during class and faught our first monsters as a class. I was suprised how much more damage i could do then the others. I did like 25-100 dmg now, while the bowmen did 20-50, the rogues did 15-35, and the mages couldnt do no damage except 1-5 -.-, cuz my teacher told us the mages werent very good until they learned skills.
So the rest of the year just flew by and I was 5 years old now ,and already bored as hell. And summer vacation was more then halfway over.
I told my parents that this was way to easy cuz all we did was fight monsters. But my parents just said,” trust us it will get more fun the upcoming year.” I also were getting the highest grades in the class but it was hard not to when my classmates Just socialized when we were supposed to be training on monsters.
The year started and my teacher said, ” that we will be having battles against each other this year.” Meaning me and my class mates will finally measure our strengths against each other. But first teacher said we each gota learn one skill. I thought its hard to learn a skill when were really not learning anything -.-*. But one day I had this strange feeling after killing a monster. The next monster I hit instead of doing my usual damage 100-200 I did 300. I told my teacher and showed him and he said, ” impressive shannara, this is callled power strike it is like a reguluar hit except by using mp it becomes more powerfull and has a charge to it, keep up the good work.”
I finally felt like I accomplished something but I also told the teacher i felt weaker and more exhausted now. The teacher gave me a blue pot, I drank it and felt good as new again. he said dont use up ur mp to much.
The next 2 years I was far greater then all of my classmates because I learned 3 skills and mastered while they only 1. My parents, and my teacher saw that I was special.
The next year I knew very little about the fact that I would go to a normal maple acadamy…
Srry i know this one sucked… I tried to make it as good as possible, the next one will b better.
OOO i cant edit no more but the in the first sentence the I should be an In
This is great man. Keep up the good work. Great spelling too, i couldn’t find any,
you should not try to write yourself too ‘high’ postion, people might think your are stuck up.
Srry but this isnt nessisarly about my character n maple. Its just about some person that my character can relate to in maple.