‘You Got stalk’d!’ The short sentence I woke up to this morning.
Well, not really woke up to but… ya know
It was a pretty decent day. I found out I was PQing with my Ex on his brother’s female account… very odd, but fun x] Because he’s really cool, and we’re like best friends now…
About an hour after that PQ with him. Let’s call ‘him’ Ban, well, I ran into someone. They sat down right in front of me in a green chair.
I just ignored him. Until… he chatted me.
I was about to get angry and say, ‘WHAT?!’ Because tracking when someone is in crack is hard to do when someone chats you. -.-
As soon as he hit enter, I knew EXACTLY who it was. It could be no other then my new stalker.
Is all he said. But I could tell, it was him. The stalked had become the stalker.
I was about to reply when he wrote some jibberish that was something like this:
‘Azh’ Something with ‘Az’ int he beginning, and a random letter at the end. I knew what it said, Azn.
Azn…? wth? You might say.
One of the best stalkers on MMO, AzNxKnife.
This was about 2 weeks after I stalked him on SwordAdvance. When I stalked him, he had been afk -.- Ah well.
But, I was sitting there, and BAM! I disappeared. He knew exactly where I was. I did too. PQ.
I’m guessing he would’ve smiled right then and there, because he had track. My track.
Oh gawd.
I soon got a whisper.
‘I spammed your track.’
Ugh… could it get worse?
My friend talked to me in buddy chat. He PQs a lot, too.
‘Someone spammed you’re track. You are getting tracked a lot.
Me: ‘Thanks Kaw. >>’
I kept PQing, after telling my party we were getting tracked. I was getting tracked. Whatever….
Yet another whisper,
‘Should I spam on ch 1?’
‘Yes, I am, aren’t I?’
Later, he said he’d stop spamming if I added him.
‘To my BL? Okaii’
I was excited, it would stop if I just added him to my BL. Easy Peasy. But Nooooooooooooo he can’t have it easy. That’s just not him.
‘No, to your party’
‘Nah. You already spammed it. What’s the point?’
He replied with ‘Bish.’ I said ‘Oh Yeah well…’
‘You’re an EBIL BISH!’
What a comeback.
Well, yesterday was…. interesting….
I died…I forget how but.. umm.. yeah. So I’m 63%.
Today… welll… didn’t get on MS today yet.
Oh, do you want to know the name of AzN’s account that ‘stalk’d’ me?
Ah, well, even if you didn’t, I put it thar anyway x]
Uh… well, I’mma get on MS, now.
Ciao x]
Oh yeah, good times. Stalking the afker isn’t fun, but stalking the track is very fun.
Ebil. Very, highly ebil.
My friends stalk me a lot
Namely a few (coughxXProLukXxofBeracough) and some others. But I stalk others too x]
Welcome to the group of the AzN stalk’d =.=