Well, yesterday night I finally completed an Amorian PQ!!! I got married on my level 49 asassin instead of my higher level one though, so that was kind of lame.
My first attempt , the only high level that could solo the geist balrog thing , a level 103 hermit , disconnected on stage 4 or 3. My second attempt, at stage 5 [i think it was, the one with the gate thing] I lagged like crazy and scary rombots came and got me ]: And apprently so did a few other people cause two other guys in the party disconnected too.
Anyway, it was a really decent party. And I totally should have taken a picture of how much they owned the balrog- but I forgot. First stage was no problem of course… go through the green portal, girls use the teleporter on the left of the ugly NPC, guys use the teleporter on the right. Kill every monster in there, and this thing is summoned. Kill it, get the axe thing, and you’re basically done.
The second stage, which I believe was the moon and stars thing stage, we had slightly more trouble but we cleared it without too much difficulty. It’s basically exactly like that one stage in Orbis PQ, I keep forgetting what it’s called `cause I haven’t Orbis PQ’d in a while. Starts with an ‘S’. The one where there’s three steps and you have to balance the right combo and if you’re leader you click the thing and it says “same” or “difference” and that’s how you decide to move. But anyway, instead of the stepping stone pillar things like Orbis PQ, the only difference is you get on ropes instead.
Third stage was exactly like Ludi PQ, stage 8, only A LOT LONGER and the “1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8” things are spread apart. Here’s the difference: each time leader clicks and we get the wrong combo, a bunch of random monsters appear. (slimes, boars… etc. etc.) They have roughly two thousand health. You’d have to kill all these monsters otherwise it would knock people off their block things. We had no problems with that I guess. The dragon knight in our party did the roar thing and killed all of them at once, doing 7000 damage and up to each one. So the stage went by a lot quicker than usual. (: Oh, here’s the sucky thing. If you kill monsters in the PQ, you don’t get experience. Hahah. You only get experience for clearing stages. Which is like about 7000 experience I think per stage.
The next stage was fairly easy. All you do is kill monsters and the whole party collects 50 (not 50 each, 50 total) of these code thingies and gives it to the leader and you`re done.
The stage after that feels kind of long and a cleric would really help for it. Basically what you do is, without haste or teleport, walk through this long isle of random ghosts and monsters and stuff and open the gates by using “CTRL”. As a party, you just walk through basically and take the damage. There’s lots of random lava that comes up and slows you down a bit, too. Here’s the thing though, if you go too slow, these rombots will come and kill you because it hits about 10,000 per touch, or so thats what my party told us. But don’t worry, you’d have to be pretty slow for them to catch up to you. =
I don’t really remember the stages after that but they weren’t difficult or anything.
Anyway, when you get to the boss, which is the balrog, we didn’t have too much trouble. It hits a MAXIMUM of 1,4000 damage (for magic attack). It can teleport and it mostly just does this weird version of magic claw on you. Here’s the thing though, there’s thorns at the bottom and all you gotta do is stay on the thorns when it tries to attack and the thorns damage will cancel out the balrog’s. So instead of getting hit like 1000, you get hit like 50. But it’s also kind of hard to stay on thorns and attack it because it teleports and flies and all. I didn’t notice this, but my friend said the boss transforms three times. You could see it’s health bar displayed at the top of the screen. My friend said that first you kill the jr. balrog, then the crimson, then finally the geist. I didn’t notice this but I suppose he’s right, he’s way more experienced than me at this.
Anyway, after that, there’s another stage IF you get a party with all 3 couples. If you just get a random party with random people who are married, then you don’t get this stage. It was called Stage 7 – Lovers… something or something. Basically what you do is open boxes, kill the monsters inside and pick up the code thing they drop. Then you find teleporters and go up and keep doing it until you get all 25 code thingies they drop. After that, go through the portal. Here’s the thing though, you have to decide between you and your spouse who gets the prize. The first person who talks to him gets 2k exp, and the people after that only get 1.3k. If you have less than 25, that’s all you get. If you got all 25, then he gives you a gift, but I don’t know what it is. So basically, you have to decide between you and your spouse who gets the prize, and then one of you give him 25 code thingies.
After that is bonus. There are tons of boxes together and prizes drop really easily. I think there are only 3 types of earings though. There’s this one earing, Purple Metal Heart earings or whatever it’s called, for level 60s. (basically it looks exactly like those pink earings for level 80s that are hearts, exept it’s purple.) The NPC price is 150k. Then there’s this one level 30 earing ( I think it’s level 30? or 35 or something I don’t remember). Basically looks exactly like the level 35 saphire earings exept it’s purple-ish. I forgot what it’s called. I don’t know the NPC price for this. Then there are these Moon Star Earings. They’re for level 45s and they’re exactly like those level 40 LunarMoon earings, exept they’re black and white. The NPC price is 50k. All these earings add different stats I believe, like, they have weapon defense as well as magic defense.
OH. Then there’s also this thing you also get in bonus- the Onyx Apple. It looks like a regular apple exept it’s blue and purple. My friend sold his for 10 million each apple, but I’m not sure of the price. When you eat it, it recovers 90% of HP and MP, adds 100 weapon attack, 100 magic attack, and +20 defence for 10 minutes. <3
Bonus is pretty cool because if you actually try you could get 1-4 pairs of earings and an apple or something. Well, basically, you`ll get SOMETHING from bonus if you try. And yeah there’s also random elixirs and stuff, but that’s nothing new.
So after the PQ I got an Onyx Apple and Moon Star Earings. I would have gotten another earing but no equip space >__> lol.
So yeah, that was my first completed PQ! (= It sucks though `cause I ludi PQ too and there’s a six hour wait between each Amoria PQ you could do so I have to keep going back and forth between Victoria and Orbis. )=
Well, that’s all! [=
Oh, P.S. that’s a screen shot of my party’s levels. =x..
Hmm. Nice. Hella, that apple rox! Good PQ though, Did you die? O-o. What level are you?
ohohoh. 48. Nvm. lolx.
Nice informative blog.
*wants the purple metal heart earrings* Because the colour itself sounds good already.
, Since when is there an Amoria PQ, ? <.<
so u gotta be married to do this PQ?
Drools at the 7k exp .
I wish I could do this. *drools*
There was an amoria pq for last patch, if you keep going through purple plains right portals, you’ll eventually arrive at Ammo’s the Great or whatever. You need to kill the blue eyes thingie and white and blue boars to get 10 keys which will allow you passage to the PQ. And yes you gotta be married to do it. If there are 3 couples in the party, you get an extra stage. If there are just 6 random people in the party, then you don’t get the extra stage.
The level 40 earrings are called celestial earrings.

My buddy who is like, the only person I remember without being on my buddy list has some. XD