Hey guys, it’s Heero again. Droppin’ it new school, like only I know how to. Yes, I’m aware that I’m a white kid.
This one’s about what the title says, and lemme tell you something, good things just keep happening to me in this game, and I don’t know why. O.O It’s quite strange why luck is falling in my direction, but it is.
Yesterday I was playin’ a bit before work, and I trained at fire boars, because I was sick of the new maps. I was having fun, no on ewas bothering me or whatever, and then my good friend, Rokui shows up. Dunno why he showed up, but he did, and it was pretty cool. He asked how I was doin’ and all that, and wondered about my roses. I told him I didn’t find any yet, and he gave me a yellow.
What a good guy. He’s still nice to me, and I don’t know why.
More training, and I keep finding weighted earrings. That’s all, no other good drops, just that. I’m running out of inventory room, and I’m too lazy to transfer things again, so I’m beginning to use basil more and more. link
I really want a black bandana. I don’ t need it, I just want it really badly.
Today, I was talking to one of my guildmates, and apparently he’s the only one who pays attention to the guild notice, saying “Heero demands j00r green tickets.” He stalked me down, and gave me all he got of everything. We trained for a bit, and he gave me all the rest he had before I had to go to class. And 500k. Bastich. He just kinda snuck that in there. ._. I guess I’m just lucky for having nice guildmates. ^^ And I’m also lucky for finding a blue rose when training with him. O.O Yeah, I know. It’s 3 below average – 67 instead of 70, but I can’t complain. I could easily sell that for a few mil on basil. XD
After class, I was training a bit, and decided to give up and went to the fm, to see prices of things, and possibly sell the rose. No takers on the below average stats, but some guy was buying blue wish tickets. For 10k a piece. Granted, not a lot of mesos, but it adds up when your guildmate gives you enough and you have enough to make 540k. So, I just kinda spent the rest of the time before class finding noob like characters, and buying their blue tickets for 3-4k each, and running to the guy and selling them for ten. I made like… 600k in profit in less than an hour. All about Economics… something people don’t realize. I’m a college student, (in computer science lab as we speak), I took a few economics courses, it’s all about supply and demand, and buying low, and selling high. I did the same thing with the halloween baskets of ’06. Except I acutally collected the candy, and made about 1 mil a basket.
I wouldn’t normally care about funds this much, but I need to work on expanding my guild to 30 people. After that, I can finally start playing and making money for myself, and things I want to get. I could probably still use a maple snowboard, to ease the fundage… lookin’ for a silver, and dark on Broa.
I’d rather still be making money as we speak, but alas… I’m trapped in a computer lab, working on binary conversion. I was thinking about pulling out my Lappy, and doing it as I write this, but that would be a little obvious. So I’m just typing away here, not paying attention to the Russian guy trying to teach me something I already know.
Lol, lucky. :O I haven’t killed anything since the patch, so no roses for me.
Heehee, sounds like you’re having a pretty good day so far, and good luck continuing to find roses! ^_~
SAPHIRA! Isn’t that Eragon’s dragon’s name. . .? ^_^
Yeah, DUH.