Some people know how to take them, others really don’t. I try and be a good person when people want to help me, and just like those people who help me, I try and help other people as well. Unforunately for me, people aren’t as nice to me when I try and help.
Today I was working on the sauna robe quest while at college on one of my breaks. For this, I needed to get some pig heads. Fine, not really a big deal, I’m level 32, I can get 4 relatively easy, right? Not really. I started at it for a bit, and a level 18 mage added me to her party. I figure, you know, I can be nice about it, and help until I have what I need. So she invites someone else, and they just mooch on a rope. >.< Some people just piss me off.
So after that, some guy asks if I have any pig heads, and I tell him that I’m after the same thing he is, but I only need one. Being the nice person that he was, he dropped one, so I could be on my merry way. But, trying to outdo his nice-ness, I famed him. So… he beats me out when he fames back. >.< I appreciate the nice-ness, but I hate being outdone. XD
This then leads to getting the curse eye tails… I’m still a little weirded out that it takes pig heads, and some kinda lizard tail to make unagi. O.o But anyways, I go to gather the tails, and guess who I run into after about 10 minutes? The same guy from before. Apparently we’re after the same prize, the sauna robe. He asks if I have the diamond yet, and I said that I haven’t done that part yet. He asks how far I am, and I tell him I have 3 ore in storage… so you know, he drops 7. 7 freakin’ diamond ore! O.O Granted, this isn’t a lot to some people, but to me, it is. I was like… damn, you want my soul or somethin’? There’s no way you can follow that up.
So we train for a bit getting tails, and he asks if I have any bananas, and I give him all of them… because come on, 7 diamond. ((Random side note: I never really know when to stop when writing ‘banana’… b-a-n-a, too short; b-a-n-a-n-a-n, damn. How many ‘na’s’ are on this thing? XD – Name the comedian for bonus points.)) The guy leaves, I thank him profusely, and then I level to 33. ^_^
But seriously folks, this whole kindness thing. I was helping someone earlier get bananas, and they got pissed and left when I couldn’t help fast enough. >.< Get pissed at the free help for not helping well enough. What has Maple society come to? I’m not calling myself a saint here, but is a ‘Thank You’ really too much to ask for? Well, whatever. I haven’t lost hope in Maple society yet, thanks to MMO Tales.
Press the ‘like’ button if you think some people are ungrateful, like me, for asking you to push the like button. XD
Edit: Front page ftw!
I agree. ^^ And then sometimes people don’t know how to take kindness. >.> Like you try to do something nice and give them something for free and they get uberly suspicious and leave. ><; *is guilty of this as well*
But! Being nice makes you feel better. <) So yay for kindness.
normally i dont press the like button for people who ask me to
i feel that if a blog is good you don’t have to ask for the button to be pressed
edit that out
your blog is good and it’s unnecessary =)
:D. People dun know how to appreciate help these days >.<, but u had the heart to help so that’s good enough :D.
The great Terry Pratchett had this to say on the spelling of ‘banana’.
‘She knew how to start spelling it, but just didn’t know when to stop.’
‘She knew how to start spelling it, but just didn’t know when to stop.’
So basically it would be bananananananananananananananananananananananananananana (etc etc etc)?
Maple Society
is going down the toilet.
It’s good to know that’s there still some good people out there on MS.
Thanks for the comments.
Np mister (even though this is my 1st comment and I didn’t contribute to what you said until I posted this)
~Cheezy the Somewhat Useful