When I would actually shell out for Nexon points. I know, I know, hard to believe that I’d be willing to turn a free game, into one I spent money on, but I felt that this time, it was worth it.
I guarantee all who decide to read this, didn’t read the preceding blog about this topic, but I decided to shell out money, and fix the abnormally horrible stats on my Cleric on Broa. They still aren’t fully fixed yet, but I’m getting there.
I don’t know, I guess it was the sentimental value I had for him, because (in a non-creepy way), he was my first. XD Yeah, going back on it, I’ve had a lot of good memories playing on this character; like playing in high school during study hall. It’s weird how I managed to do that, but I burned MS onto a cd, and monopolized the one computer in the room everyday 8th period. People didn’t even try to bother me, because they knew I’d castrate them. Even the teacher.
Yeah, but now, it doesn’t even matter what I did then, because I’m a college student with a lappy. <3 Assuming I can find the Wi-Fi on campus, I can play whenever I want. Obessed much? Nah.
Oh, and it bothers me that Nexon lowered the limit to 75 bucks every two months. Or else my stats would be done. Yeah, they were that bad.
I guess that’s it from me.
[edit] Front page ftw! Somehow… someway. XD
I haven’t typed a single blog because of this stupid DSL internet.
After I press submit, PAGE ERROR.
God damn internet service providers
wait what?
theres a limit for nx?!?!
evil, same with me, suppose to be faster then others? ya but keeps d/c-ing me! GDI
The limit for NX Cash was $150, I think, but they changed it after the last big patch to show that they care. . . which they do, sorta, in their own way. xD
So, they care by limiting how much money they can take of mine. XD
Yeah, and that’s a good thing.
You don’t waste as much money as you can. XD