It all started yesterday, when I was browsing the mmotales blogs. I came upon this one about snowboards that I vaguely remember what about, but I commented, and I noticed that this guy, Rokui was offering a free blood snowboard on Broa. I didn’t think people even played on my server, let alone was offering free stuff on it. So, not really expecting too much, I messaged him all beggar like.
I got his message, and he told me to find him in game one day, and he’d hook me up. What a good guy.
So that leads to last night, where I was debating with my guild what to make the emblem once we get enough funds. Yeah, it’s sad because I’m level 33, and 38 in the guild (two char), and everyone else is ahead of me, yet I’m the leader. XD Anyways, we’re called Omniference, which is a made up word defined by me as: The state of always being everywhere randomly different. (Omni – everywhere, -ference – different). It doesn’t have to make sense. So we don’t have a lot of members or anything, but the regulars who play are kinda close. We have a guild movie in production that I’ll probably post here.
But that leads to this morning during my gap between classes at college. I sign online, and I attempt to stalk down Rokui, to naturally try and mooch, while not being a moocher. I find him, but hes busy. Thats cool though.
So he says to meet in the fm, which makes sense, because I was talking to him when he was at Gatekeeper. >.> Now, dont I feel rude? Obviously. He says he doesnt mind though, and I dont think he did, because he said hed give me one, and naturally in this position, theres really not too much else I can do. He had to switch over to his mule to get it, which had an awesome name, but he forgot to get it out of the bank. Cant complain, remember, he doesnt have to do this.
Ah, yes, the trade. Its finally happening, Im about too mooch something great from someone I dont know, but feels nice enough to give it to me anyways. He tosses some other stuff in too, and just about the funniest amount of mesos possible. XD
He gives me random other stuff too
most of which I dont know about. Except the match cards.
The trade doesnt work because I dont have enough inventory, so when I drop stuff, a hacker auto-loots it away. >.<
We re-trade, and he gives me the stuffs again. All I can really say is thanks, but he doesnt mind.
I give him the only thing I can, and hes on his way.
So why did I make such a big deal about all this? Well, like I said before, my guild needs a symbol. Well, we dont need one, but wed like one. And my plan was to try and get a Maple Snowboard somehow, and use the one he gave me towards it you know, since Im still madd weak, and the highest in my guild is 48 I think. >.< I really dont know now, because the way its lookin I still need a Dark, Gold and Silver. I dont even know what drops the Dark, but Im pretty sure I cant hit it yet.
Now, Ive tried asking my guildmates for some help on this one, but Im very reluctant when it comes to this kind of thing. Some people said theyd help a little bit, but like I said, I dont really expect much. I just planned on being poor literally forever to try and get everything done.
And just for the record, our guild has some spots open
so if youd like to join us, dont hesitate to ask. (Broa).
Again, riding on my last blog… the kindness of some people will always be amazing to me. Kind people are a few, and dying breed. While I try and be one, I urge all readers to be nice to their fellow Mapler if they aren’t already. Please, thank you, and buttsecks. Well, not the last one. XD
Edit 1: Found a gold snowboard!
Edit 2: Front page, ftw!
Lol niice. a snowboard XD. Good to see there still nice ppl left in MS.
Sounded like you guys had fun. xD Gratz. =D
WHAT! You’re a girl HeeroJay? Everyone I know and love is becoming a girl!
~Cheezy the. . . Next?
Never mind my last reply but hey, I’ll join your guild. KosmoKatz, Broa. I’ll start it up right now and look for you.
Last time I checked, I had a penis. *Checks again*

Lol gratz on the gold snowboard =)
Dark drops from Mecateons and Torties >.> and no, I don’t think you can hit those yet =)
Grats on the snowboard. I play on Broa too btw. And also, it is good to see nice people still playing.
-=The Nazgul=-
Haha, yes, there are still people playing on Broa. ;D
I hope you save up enough money to get an emblem! And save that Blood Snowboard! It’ll look cool for people to see someone your level wearing one!
Kekeke, he wrote a blog about it. :B Awesome. And yeah, kind people are pretty much a dying breed. But then again, so are legit maplers, literates and non-begging people.
Good luck on getting the emblem. If you really need a contribution, I think I’ll be able to help you out. >_>