Ok. well you know how basilmarket.com’s log-in screen has been giving out incorrect errors when some people try to log in? well im getting an error that says “Either you didn’t enter a valid email when signing up or you changed your email to something that is not a valid email address. This is permanent and there is no way for you to access this account again.”
go here this is what it looks like link
so an ideas on how to fix it? and no i didnt change my E-mail or anything so whats wrong??
It said it’s permanent and there is no way to fix it.
“been giving out INCORRECT errors it said though
That happened to me once. It happens so that the Basil was having its server checked, maybe like tomorrow morning.
I’ve had the same problem. However, a blog is not the medium through which you should ask such a question. Please use the forums next time around.