Re to Fenrir’s Comment about the quality downgrading – I wholly agree. Since I haven’t be writing for such a long time, I’m not that good at consistancy. But that is the sole reason why I’m writing =X To learn to remain at a certain consistancy. Forgive me if the quality goes up and down constantly @_@ Wow … front page again. Thanks everyone ^__^
Chapter Three January 14, 2006 (Sunday)
Game Master Lumos here how can I be of service Game Master Beholder? GM Lumos said into her microphone.
You could help by getting a lockdown location on the stupid Hackers Legend and Martol! Beholder shrieked back.
Whoa, calm it girl. Who are these Hackers and whatd they do to you? Lumos replied.
They just escaped by a passageway unknown. Just get a stupid lockdown on them! Beholder screeched.
Stop barking out orders like youre the boss Beholder! I have my own mission and status reports to finish up you know! Go bother some other GM if youre going to blow your top at me! Lumos yelled.
ARGH! Beholder grunted and cut the connection.
Go get a stupid lockdown on them blah, blah, blah! Lumos mimicked in a high girly voice. Rolling her eyes, she proceeded to the GM Headquarters Lounge and called the information keeper.
Information Keeper at your service; what can I do for you Game Master Lumos? a girl said.
Pushing back her green four pig-tails pulled back hair, Lumos thought over what Beholder said.
Keeper, could you give me the information lockdowns on the players by the in-game names of Legend and Martol? Lumos said finally.
I thought Legend and Martol were banned four days ago, Game Master Lumos, the Keeper replied.
Say what? Lumos asked stunned.
I repeat, according to my updated information Legend and Martol were banned from the game four days ago, the Keeper replied.
But Game Master Beholder just ran into them a few minutes ago! Lumos said loudly.
Thats strange. My information is up to date from about five minutes ago, the Keeper replied.
Looking away from the screen, Lumos gold emerald earrings waved back and forth.
Keeper, I have one other name I would like you to check on. Could you look up on in-game player Butcher? Lumos inquired.
Confirmed, player Butcher was sighted about four minutes ago on Victoria Island, Map 41 Henesys Hunting Ground I. He is one of the top Hackers in our lists, she replied.
According to your assistant, Butcher was banned a day ago. Something isnt adding up
Lumos said aloud.
Are you saying that my assistant is hiding the fact that the Hackers are still around? the Keeper asked, turning her head.
Im just wondering whether the information you both have is completely accurate. Anyway, thank you Keeper, Lumos cut the connection.
Game Master Lumos walked to the entrance of the GM Headquarters building and looked out at the gate where four guards stood their ground. The fountain in the center of the garden outside sputtered out crystalline water and the sun shone down in heated waves.
Could there have been a way that both Legend and Martol returned by by-passing the systems? Or could they be completely different people who took up the names of Legend and Martol. And what about Butcher Lumos pondered.
Still on that thought, GM Lumos walked out the gates of the GM Headquarters and headed to the portal that would lead her to Victoria Island. Her Dark Enigma sparkled in the sunlight and as she entered the portal, her Dark Giles Cape slowly disappeared behind her like a curtain. Meanwhile, Beholder jumped onto a boat from Orbis to return to Victoria Island. If she couldnt catch Legend and Martol, she would attempt to catch Butcher.
No comments! *fixes it at once*
It’s a bit clumsy here, your description. Like. Too many marbles in one mouth. :X Try to avoid that in the future, I suppose.
Whee, I got mentioned! =D
*replies for the sake of replying*