Haven’t read or been on MMO Tales for the longest time @_@ I ended up writing this story and my guild liked it so I decided to offer it for everyone’s enjoyable reading too ^__^ You’ll see a chapter and the date which I wrote the chapter =)
Chapter One January 10, 2006 (Wednesday)
In the deadly silent and snowy outskirts of the town of El Nath, a shimmer of moving gold-brown with long blue hair and elegant emerald eyes fought against the bitter cold of the mid afternoon. A gust of wind threw a chill through the air and the girl pulled her long black cape with golden edges around her body to warm herself. Letting her hair with yellow streaks shine in the weak sunlight and fall into her face, Legend quickly picked up the pace and scurried to a broken down wooden house. A sign next to the shanty house had faded paint with the almost illegible words that spelt out Watch Out for Icy Path II. Shivering, Legend pulled her numb body into the house and sat down on the rotten wooden flooring.
A faint rustle and crunch suddenly echoed in the silence of the area. Alert and slightly alarmed Legend slowly rolled and ducked under the only piece of furniture left in the house a table with a stained cloth wrapped over it. Quick, clicking steps cut through the quiet house. Legends muscles tensed as she pressed herself against the wall.
I know youre here Hacker. Come out, now! The GM said acidly.
Legend bit her lower lip and tried to clear her mind. The GM stepped further into the room and whipped out her huge black bladed axe with a gold shaft the Zedbug. Sweat trickled down the side of Legends face. She pulled down her Black Pireta hat that had a white skull embedded near the back of it and wiped the sweat off her brow. It was all or nothing.
Quickly she loosened her cape and rolled out from under the table. The GM, whose name card had a glowing name of Beholder raised her Zedbug high into the sky and crashed it into the wooden flooring inches from Legends hat. Irritated, Beholder switched her footing and twirled her axe around for another hit. Beholders bright turquoise eyes flashed as she charged energy into her pole arm weapon. In a bright flash of light, Beholder brought her Zedbug close enough to Legend and let go of the energy performing the warrior skill of Power Strike.
Legend jumped out of the way by a mere few seconds. As she landed back onto the rotten floorboards, her hair settled down onto her back. With haste she closed her eyes and a low whirling sound pierced the air. In her right hand a long gold double bladed weapon by the name of the Shinkita appeared and a brown and green shield that looked almost like a cockroach curled up her left arm. Annoyed Beholder ran towards Legend in her Black Crescent Boots.
It wasnt my fault I became what I have turned into! Legend shouted.
Upon shouting a blue magic-like circle glowed under Legend. An eight pointed star was in the middle and the tips of the star stuck out of the circle by an inch. The Shinkita and Seclusion Wristguard disappeared as she stood up on her Red Mystique Shoes lined with gold-like buttons. Her hair flared in all directions behind her as if a gust of wind had blown her hair and her full Brown Moon outfit was in clear view to Beholder. Taken aback, Beholder stepped backward her Dark Battle Empress Armour suit making a clinking sound.
You think I wanted to become the so-called Hacker? Do you think I wanted this fate? I worked so hard to become what I am, but that was all taken away from me because of one stupid mistake! Now leave me alone! Legend screamed. She raised her arms with her palms facing Beholder.
A strange white mist twisted and spiralled around Legend as the mysterious powers of the Hacker came about her. Eyes narrowed and standing firmly in the center of the magical circle, Legends hands glowed black and suddenly Beholder began to slip toward her.
What the hell is this trickery? Beholder spat.
In your language, they call it the Black Hole, Legend replied calmly.
With great fear in her eyes and her long brunette hair flying around her face, Beholder opened her mouth to scream. However a scream didnt come out of her mouth.
help me
please!! Beholder cried.
Ill help you, but get in my way and Ill kill you, said a male voice from behind.
A man also holding a Zedbug with red-hot magma-like hair with deep garnet coloured eyes stood at the doorway of the shanty house with his eyes narrowed. The name card that danced just below him echoed the name of Unholy. Suddenly the speed picked up and Beholder began to slide faster and faster toward Legend. With a frown, Unholy ran forward on his Red Battle Grieve shoes and readied his weapon to strike Legend. At the corner of Legends left eye, she saw the silhouette of Unholys figure coming closer and closer.
Awesomeness, although it does sound a little like “Words of a Hacker”, or the other awesomeness Hacker-ish story =D
I would love to see chapter 2
There’s a Words of a Hacker story already? o.0 Didn’t know. I haven’t been on MMO Tales for over two months =X
Words of a Hacker by Oblivion.
Your title also reminds me of Aurora’s Redemption too. XD Words of a Hacker + Aurora’s Redemption = Hacker’s Revenge? o_O;
Anyway, it’s a good start. I would’ve preferred a different choice of names, but that’s not for me to be picky on.
Good stuff.
Lol sooner or later the number of hacker stories would match up to the number of anti-hacker blogs -_-
But then again no matter how cliche a story might be, a quality story always stands out among the rest XD