From now on, it shall be made official that any blog Ganz doesn’t like is a bad blog. BAAAAD BLOG. Like this one.
Eyzan said Asshat.
Random insult xD
You *[Insert]* morta- *[Insert]* .
Fission Mailed
Uhmmm. . .
Please burn.
i wish bad luck upon you, penis lover with an asshat
What the [bleep] is this [bleep]? This proves that there are always [bleep] in this [bleep]in’ site. what is wrong with you [bleep]in [bleep]ers? You phail.
LunarPanda said: “What the [bleep] is this [bleep]? This proves that there are always [bleep] in this [bleep]in’ site. what is wrong with you [bleep]in [bleep]ers? You phail.”
agreed. I checked his first few blogs. They were actually alrite.
no likes four you
Gtfo my internets, kthx.
Ban him pl0x.
From now on, it shall be made official that any blog Ganz doesn’t like is a bad blog.
BAAAAD BLOG. Like this one.
Eyzan said Asshat.
Random insult xD
You *[Insert]* morta- *[Insert]* .
Fission Mailed
Uhmmm. . .
Please burn.
i wish bad luck upon you, penis lover with an asshat
What the [bleep] is this [bleep]? This proves that there are always [bleep] in this [bleep]in’ site. what is wrong with you [bleep]in [bleep]ers?
You phail.
You phail.”
agreed. I checked his first few blogs. They were actually alrite.