Leveling, drawing, and what not O_O

Hey there =3

Okay this is like many things in one blog so let me rant and what not (I kinda actually hope this doesn’t get on the first page so no one say you liked this blog >_< but reply, just don’t say you enjoyed it).

Today… and a dreaded article of clothing: Today my aunt is getting married! My mom’s youngest sister, so yeah. I’m so happy for her, especially since I know my new uncle (nice to be able to call him uncle now >_<) and I can beat his butt at Monopoly. So they are actually getting married RIGHT NOW. well i’m stuck at home with my brother who is reading manga on the internet -.-;;;; I’m the child (techinally I’m one of the children, not the only child) so my parents are over there, in the middle of boston park watching them get married. Since I’m Asian, we have banquets (i think americans do too right?) so we go to the best place called China Pearl in China Town (I doubt you do that though). BUT… I have to wear the dreaded article of clothing… a dress. >_< i haven’t worn a dress in sooooooooo long.

I’m soooooooo weak TT_TT: Is it me, or is everyone leveling except ME???????? I mean my friend fina leveled like 4 levels in the time it took me to level once! I’m only level 37 too. BTW i just leveled yesterday =3 Maybe I should train more… -.-

I HATE YOU MECHANICAL PENCILS: If you were me you’d know how much I hate Mechanical Pencils. Drawing with them are soooooo hard. >_< I love using blunt pencils. It makes beautiful drawings, or at least in my opinion. I will upload my picture later, once my brother get’s off his lazy butt and stops reading his precious manga. I’m not saying manga is bad, I mean I like manga, but he’s getting a little obsessed O_o. It’s really crappy, but I like how some of it came out >_<

You can stop reading now: Actually techinally you didn’t even have to read this whole thing entirely, but whatever floats your boat. Whoever has made it through this long of my endless talking, I give you kudos, and cheese! And cookies >_< and pie and ice cream and chocolate and coco -excuses her self while she names many brands of goodness-

It is safe to say this blog had ended: This blog has ended. I just noticed this blog isn’t actually as long as i thought it would be.



8 thoughts on “Leveling, drawing, and what not O_O”

  1. lol! DRESS! XD I always wear it,
    nways, i lvl slow too, most of my friends are either at lvl 70s or still at the 50s hanging there with me and only chatting XD
    You don’t neccesarily have to lvl, it’s a game where you enjoy! So if you enjoy talking, then don’t train!

    This is the first time i’ve heard that someone doesn’t want their blogs to be on the front page XD Thats so weird! But i get your point ^^
    ANIME AND MANGA <3 4ever!

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. VanillaPocki! I see you again! RAWR! Yea, Vanilla is totally right, don’t bother paying any attention to those nerds who power lvl and think they so cool in maplestory just buying nx and dressing up looking cool. But on the outside of the game heir pants are over their shirst and their socks are up to their knees. =) have fun, It’s maple story, your OWN story!



  3. Thx guys. i just had a fight with my friend, made up again, and all because i was stressed out that i have to go do this banquet thing.my brother still isn’t getting off his lazy butt. v-v oh well. today i made some progress. i only got 18% but w/e. but, i did get a gold sylivia or something (lvl 30 thief glove) and another crystal wand.


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