Desperate Guys

Hello! This is my first blog ever on this site

Okay, if you know I’m a girl, and I mean a female! Not a GIRL (guy in real life) so it is natural I have a girl character right? SO I’m a magicain and the clothes for the girls look pretty. Then I decide to go and PQ in Kerning and Some guys just randomly call me sexy and hot. I mean I found like a lot of people calling me hot! I’m not even hot, hello, I’m a two inch pixel picture! Are they that desperate they need to use a game to hook up girls? WHy don’t you get off your lazy bum and go meet some real girls, you know, females? The oppisite gender? Yeah, why don’t you try it? It;s called flirting, and getting a DATE. Sheesh, you don’t need to hook up with a stinking two inch pixel. I mean, are they THAT DESPERATE? It’s kinda sad. I get followed A LOT. I even KILLED someone. They followed me all the way to fire boars and died. It’s really weird.

I put my pictures up. The first one is me at lvl 28 and the second one is me now. I don’t have scroll lock on my computer for some reason so i don’t have any screen shots! TT_TT

I think i found something similar to this somewhere else 1-3 days ago, but I don’t remember where. If i did find something simliar to something you posted then I’m sorry, but I have this problem!


14 thoughts on “Desperate Guys”

  1. Well, some kids are just sort of desperate. and hit on people.
    Then again, there are the kids who make friends with a female who is cool, and they end up hooking up, more like really close friends who like each other.

  2. Yes, I know your pain (and, it may have been my blog you saw; oh well, though ). Apparently the only thing you can do is ignore them. Or, if they’re really persistent and refuse to leave you alone, report them for harassment.

    Also, if the picture size is too big, try cutting out parts of the picture that aren’t needed or changing the file type. That should help cut down the size.

  3. True. But i really don’t suggest guys get girl characters. Well me, myself I do have female characters but I still prefer to play with a boy char. Cuz there are people like. “Would’you be my Gf. Would’you be my GF.” Makes me wanna punch their disrespectful little faces out. And I mean out.
    *Gives Haku a cookie* <<< Learned that from a “friend”

  4. regardless i AM desperate to get the person I like -_- (lol, 1inch pixel luvrs are sad XD)


  5. oh psh, I’ve been on my ex’s char a couple of times, and girls just come up and flirt cause he’s high lvl. I just go on my other pc, go to where my boy is and yell at those girls =) or you can ask one of your frnds to pretend that you’re his girl xD

    Lorie* <3

  6. 0_0 I don’t know what to say,
    -Maybe it’s because I’m too young so I refer to maple story?
    -Maybe it’s because I’m too young too flirt and in maple story nobody cares about the age?
    -Maybe because I’m too young to experience dating and I’m curious?
    -Maybe because I’m only 13?
    Yes, sometimes I try to get a maple gf for no particular reason.

  7. i actually got hit on a guy in a girl’s character! it was major beyond creepy. so did my friend!


  8. @ chanx

    i did have a guy that i used to hang around with and a lot of people thought he was my bf because we argued like we were married (yes we argued like we were married {this was actually quoted by my friend} but he was just a friend and actually, the problem got worse. I got stalked even more TT_TT. Well now he doesnt play anymore so, it’s not exactly my problem. I still have the problem, just not as much. I gonna go play MS now. and my random speech of the day: YES! I FOUND MY LVL 40 GLOVE IN BLACK AND LVLED YESTERDAY!
    my other random speech of the day which results in a bad way: oh man, now my brother is making me try to find his lvl 50 robes when he’s only lvl 40 TT_TT oh well.


  9. LMAO. i love that girl acronym up there. funny >.>

    i have this priest friend that i hang out with a lot since we both just stoped training (my reason: cuz i needa get a better comp since its 2 laggy 2 train, her reason: lazyness xD) and i see like ppl constantly hittin on her. she just stands there and does f7 still he leaves. some1 even whispered 2 my bro and asked her if she was single >.>

  10. ah i saw a similar blog that was the hawt cleric looking for gf thing which is pretty popular and i noticed that there was a guy that was mad. well, i have nothing aganist meeting your bf/gf/husband/wife in this game, but hello, it’s a game, not a dating service. it’s used to GO ON AND PLAY. people in this game go back to age EIGHT. so, i have nothing AGANIST meeting someone, but going around asking for s3x is annoying, and i don’t need to have this going on.

    i’m sad today. my best friend on maple moved to europe and now she’s not playing and she talked to a buddy we both shared name shugo. and he told me that she wasn’t playing anymore and he was hitting on me. i call him sukebe.


  11. ur 1st and 3rd pic looked OK.
    i don see why guys hit on MS chars tho.
    there all teh same looking pretty much,

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