The inspiration for this comes from a video on Youtube.
I’m going to go walk around in random towns asking people if they want to go out with me,have secks with me, or I’ll walk around and be like “Did you have fun last night?” and other random things.
I’ll post a screenie of this stuff every blog.
It’ll be a hit! XD
ret@rd (making this longer)
Oh so now you’re going to flame everyone of my blogs are you? Immature prick. Get over it. If you have to go cry to your mommy. Just get away from my blogs if you hate me so much.
Umm, kind of a weird idea, But I guess we could get a luagh or two. Try it out and see what you get!
Umm, yea, first I suggest you get your head checked out, if there are no problems, then have fun.
same here.
Omg, I gotta tell you something. Once, at Ludi PQ, waiting to get in——-
ME: SELLING (some girl’s ign i forgot) 50 bucks an hour@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Daaaang. That’s freakin awesome.
I’m gonna walk up to some random girl and be like “NOW GET ON THAT CORNER AND START MAKING ME SOME MESOS!”
What YouTube video was that? Can anyone post me a link?
think I saw that one.
you mean the one titled like “How to get a MS gf” or something
This is the vid