Seriously. What is it with this place. This was meant to be a place for blogs, not stories. Infact if people want to post stories, shouldn’t they be posted in the forums? I mean, I know it won’t be on the front page and all. But you know what? I think that stories are just another way for people to become attention-whores. It’s effing annoying. Half of the blogs on the front page are freakin’ stories.
What’s your opinion?
Ummm, Isn’t a blog a short story?
You sound like Renome. xD
Some people like to write, and they like to share these stories with other people. Some people like to blog, and they also like to share these things with other people. Some people like to do both, and so they share and all the rest of MMOT are happy except for certain people who seem to enjoy frequently rehashing the fact that ‘MMOT is a BLOG site HOMGZ.’ (>’_’)>
Y’know, you’re right on one count: a lot of people want attention for their OH SO WONDERFUL stories and therefore they write, thinking that the rest of the MMOT populace will flock to them like bees to nectar, not realising that they are one out of however many hundreds vying to become the most successful attention-whore. =P Others just like writing and seeing what people will think of it; they think it’s a genuine bonus to get a few likes along the way. Since we can’t really differentiate, I suggest letting people be happy and allow them to do what they want. So who cares if they dominate the frontpage? As you’ve said, they’re half. Therefore the other half are blogs. Therefore is there any cause to complain?
My two, or maybe four, cents.
Stories are good. Don’t diss the stories. Stories are not for people who want to become attention-wh0res. Just because YOU don’t happen to like stories doesn’t mean that the rest of MMOTales doesn’t.
OMG your like my twin or something,
Yeah what he said story go in furoms i like poems tho and yeah storis do get annyoing, all long and boring, they should be not allowed as blogs on on OS, hopefully they do make it against TOS
Blogs are short stories. The one difference is that they’re REAL. Not fiction. A blog is supposed to be like a journal. Not a chapter book.
The problem is that that number is increasing. Pretty soon 7/10 of the front page blogs are going to be stories. I don’t think that’s fair to the people who are actually posting real blogs.
Atleast some people post 2 chapters in one blog instead of posting each chapter in a seperate blog. >>
Meh, that’s all I have to say.
And Ezyan, my views are not absolute. I never said MMOtales didn’t have the right to like stories. >=( I was stating my opinion. So. Don’t. Boss. Me. Around.
Blogs are short stories. The one difference is that they’re REAL. Not fiction. A blog is supposed to be like a journal. Not a chapter book.
The problem is that that number is increasing. Pretty soon 7/10 of the front page blogs are going to be stories. I don’t think that’s fair to the people who are actually posting real blogs.
Atleast some people post 2 chapters in one blog instead of posting each chapter in a seperate blog. >>
Meh, that’s all I have to say.”
Just to reply, because I’m feeling particularly inflammatory at the moment. But then again, I always am, so wherein lies the difference? xD
I’d just like to say that I am, in fact, a writer of these stories you want shunted to the forums. First and foremost. So yes, you may consider me narcissistic or perhaps self-indulgent by engaging in this discussion, but that’s what I am first and foremost. =P
How will it be unfair to the people who write real blogs? If they write them with the same degree of coherency, proficiency and intelligence that about 85% of the stories on MMOT actually lack, then they stand the same chance of getting onto the frontpage as a well-written story does. << Stories may actually be biased against, because people don’t want to sift through a whole 14728 chapters’ worth of story to read from the start; they may just have a small handful of dedicated readers. Whereas a blog, a one-shot, may actually receive more attention simply because it is a one-shot. Especially if the content is presented in an interesting manner.
The grey areas are when people present their MMO experiences – real MMO experiences – in a one-shot story form. A few people have done this. Now do we consider these as ‘stories’ and put them in the forums, or ‘blogs’ and let them receive the attention, despite the fact that it is presented as a story?
x3 I’m such a self-righteous ass sometimes.
I’d just like to say that I am, in fact, a writer of these stories you want shunted to the forums. First and foremost. So yes, you may consider me narcissistic or perhaps self-indulgent by engaging in this discussion, but that’s what I am first and foremost. =P
If I wouldn’t allow you to post here since you were a writer of fictions, where would the argument(A.K.A Fun) be?
How will it be unfair to the people who write real blogs? If they write them with the same degree of coherency, proficiency and intelligence that about 85% of the stories on MMOT actually lack, then they stand the same chance of getting onto the frontpage as a well-written story does. << Stories may actually be biased against, because people don’t want to sift through a whole 14728 chapters’ worth of story to read from the start; they may just have a small handful of dedicated readers.”
Because there’s those little groups of people. They all reply and immediately click the “I like this” button to everybody’s blogs that are in their group, automatically bringing the stories to the front page. Then people read that one chapter without bothering to read the last few chapters and reply.
Whereas a blog, a one-shot, may actually receive more attention simply because it is a one-shot. Especially if the content is presented in an interesting manner.”
But alot of them are just “I did this, this happened. Did this, xperson logged on. Trained on mushies. This happened. KTHXBAI!”(Including my last blog. Cept’ people flamed me for ksing a level 20 vaccer in nub clothes. I’m such a hypocrite :D)
The grey areas are when people present their MMO experiences – real MMO experiences – in a one-shot story form. A few people have done this. Now do we consider these as ‘stories’ and put them in the forums, or ‘blogs’ and let them receive the attention, despite the fact that it is presented as a story?”
Did the events that hapenned in “Her name was Karla” really happen? No. Therefore it’s fiction. Although if there was that sort of a system, some people might be like. “OMG proof plox1”
What you just posted has made me decide that I’ll have to start referring to them as Fiction, not Stories.
Because you just broadened the defenition of “Stories” D=
x3 I’m such a self-righteous ass sometimes.”
So am I. Everybody is. Yay for occasional self-righteousness!
Bleh. I’m off to play Maplestory.
Well then. Doesn’t that tell you something? If the public likes it, then maybe, MAYBE, stories are good? And I’m not. Bossing. You. Around. I was merely stating my own opinion as well.
OR maybe, just maybe, everybody’s becoming sheep in a herd, following what otherpeople do, and are creating fake accounts to raise the “I like it” thingy?
That’s why you said “Don’t diss the stories.” I do beleive that was stated as an order.
Bleh, My keyboard is really screwy right now. ÈÈÇçÉÉÉǨ¨ààÀÀ
Agreed – the people who create multiple accounts are sad. However, have you ever tried reading some of those stories? If you have, you’ll find that not all are your usual cliched stories. Some are actually extremely good and ‘I like it’ worthy.
You know what I think? I Think that a blog shouldn’t be put on the front page judging on how much ”I like it”s it has. It should be judged on how many comments it has. The button is being abused too much.
That’s gonna require a lot of complex programming. Imagine trying to program a thing that frontpages a blog that solely depends on its comments! What if somebody wrote an awesome blog, but due to their enemies (who flamed them the instant a story/blog went out), will never get on the frontpage and get the credit it deserves?
The “I like it” button is seriously easier.
I’m thinking like 15 comments to get on the front page. And even if you flame the person, you’re basically helping them get onto the front page. then when it gets on the front page more people look at it because it’s a hot topic. The “I like it” system isn’t stable. It’s frequently abused.
Xperson creates a rant, and Xgroup_of_people flame Xperson, basically lynching him and causing less people to click the button.
With the other system they’re helping him get on the front page either way.
Point taken. But if the comments are bad then people’ll be like, “what is this doing on the front page! It pushed me off!” etc etc in all types of nooby writing in their haste to complain.
True dat, =( if people didn’t abuse stuff like this life would be much better. IMAGOCUTMASELF! XD
OMG i use to say True Dat, when i was in guild ShadowSlayer T_T
Don’t cut yourself! *takes away all sharp objects* Cutting is bad. Very bad. >:[