I redid this blog because some guy boosted the previous one’s ranking using multiple accounts.
Ofcourse, no one would read it anyway, I mean its all like, “its not a story -.-;. I came here to this blog site to read stories”
Yes, Guruji is here…again…this may actually be the most controversial thing I have thrown to the table as of yet.
And here I go 😀
I had told someone that before I leave Maplestory or get tired of it, I would make such a blog.
DISCLAIMER : What I will write is my opinion. It will differ from the others. This because many people get touchy on this subject. They make stereotypes, hate on them, and refer to them as “scum”.
Hmph…”scum”, “garbage”, “losers”, “Lowlifes of MS”…
I hate those terms, they are hurtful. They are wrong in its truest essence. Those who say such remarks to a certain group on MS have uninformed minds that parallel nothingness. That is the truth, the sheer truth.
So…what the heck am I talking about? Huh? hackers that is 😀
(the following is an excerpt from an Email i sent to someone)
People who never have hacked or don’t even have friends that hacked don’t have the right to call them “scum”. I mean, “scum” is sucha dirty word, it’s something that probably only hitler should have been called.
Here is another small secret xP. Ofcourse you might start thinking differently about me after i say it xD.
Around 2 months ago, i got my hands on a trainer sent to me by a friend in australia over MSN. I gave it to another friend and what we did was make new accounts in Khaini and we haxored up two level 4x characters. One of em got banned (sperax).
Of course, we only did that for a week. Then the hacks stopped working after the birthday patch. After that we stopped ahcking. BUT! keep in mind that i didn’t touch Guruji with those hacks O.o. He is my totally legit character that i worked my ass off making…getting it banned is a “no no”…anyway, no more hacking for me, that 1 week was enough.
Another thing is that my best friend in real life that i had known since forever is a moderator on a hacker forum. He can’t be called scum however since he is the most trustworthy person I know.
Another thing: the girl that I love is also one of my best friends. She attempted to hack MS once…the trainers didnt work xD
Heh…thats why I hate it when people hate on those who hack and call em “scum”…if ANYBODY who said that was in my place, I’m sure that they would feel exactly the same way I do.
Calling a hacker “scum” is the same thing as callin me and my friends scum, and my friends are the greatest people i have ever met…they always stick up for you at hard times. Always listen to you and give you a shoulder to cry on.
“scum”, eh?…what we really need is a hacker hater’s best friend/greatest love/family member to hack…i wonder how they would feel then, huh?
Yes its true, I used to be a script-kiddie :D. I stopped, and then read up on AlterOfGod’s blog located in the following link: link
After reading it, I thought “Hey! I guess The World of Maplestory runs under an Autocratic government! :D”
Being the non-conformist I am, I told myself that I am only going back to MS if i find trainers. 😀
So in other words…think about it next time before saying such things to hackers. Why? Because we are actually “normal” people like you >.>
You guys/girls should really take a gander at Alter’s last 2 blogs. They make good sense, and prove very good points. Look at all that and then realize what Wizet and Nexon is doing to you. Then tell yourself “This is injustice, if they can change and reform ANYTHING they wish…why should i succumb to it?”
Yeah, I’m a rebel, call me scum, I, a person who hacked and most possibly will use hacks later on am still a regular person with a summer job, a set of friends, who will graduate from high school next year, gonna go to university, gonna attempt to achieve success…
-.-; (…no one will understand…retarded noobs…)
Phl4m3 back if you want, ill refer to us as an uninformed mind that parallels nothingness 😀
There we go
im out
check me out at guruji.deviantart.com
o_O. . . well some hackers are stupid, and some ARE scum who just hack for the sake of vaccing the monsters off the screen so you cant kill em (or to kill you in a supposedly “safe spot”). Or just people who just want to test it out and find it funny. for example, my friend Alex (from my stories) attempted to hack but he said “Dang, all the hacks dont work. MS hacks are pretty hard to find!” Lol. i was laughing my butt off because he always did funny things and I knew if he was told to stop, he would XD.
Wow. Deep-ish. I read it all and I totally agree with you. Hackers are normal people. So what if they use other things for an advantage. Theyre not stopping you from getting it too are they.
A+ report xD
about “scum”
well lets say this:
“you can’t call ANYONE that you do not know in real life “scum””
UNLESS if you really hate them because they consistently harrass you, make fun of you and maliciously attack you or hurt you in any way over the internet.
Dixgoo supported me!
i think. . .
Lol Guruji, you’re like the biggest tyrant on MMOTales.
, Love you! xD *hugs* *throws cookies*
Edit, oh and I probably should tell you I agree completely. >>;
You know my two cents on this.
ps: WOAHMFG LIGHTDARK! -fangirl squeal-
You hack Guru?
maybe i didnt read it right,
Honestly ,and im not sure if its just me but, it seems like everytime someone who has hacked makes a sappy story about why people hate them everyone goes “ooooh im sorry”
thats not me
i really dont like hackers
“what hackers haters need is a friend or family to hack and BLAH BLAH” whatever it said up there
well if you wanna be my friend dont hack is the way i see it
why should i hafta deal with you hacking
thats pretty much sayin ” i can do whatever i want and you hafta deal with it”
why not reverse it to: “your gonna do what you want and i’ll deal with it”
i already see the pattern
when you hack someone loses
quick fix?
nobody hacks everyone is happy
i hate the fact that people wanna try to be successful at something and hacker ruin it, and keep popping up in the friggin’ rankings, and suck away monsters, stealing that persons hard work
it sickens me
alot of people say its just a game
so what if its just a game to you
it may mean more to someone else
“get a life” is all i hear people yell at lvl 90+
maybe the game is all they want
who are you to tell them what they can and cant do
Its Their life
leave em alone
but of course hackers wanna be damn selfish and such
you complain about the hacker stereotypes then either take them or dont be a hacker
and hackers are scum
hitler isn’t scum
he’s the stuff stuck on top of my friends bathroom ceiling
(whatever the hell that crap is. . .)
Yeah this doesn’t change anything except that I think of you less than I already did >_> Your arguments don’t have a vaild point, and this blog isn’t deep like that dude said it is . . .
Hackers are the true gamers.
This is true FOR ANY GAME.
They don’t just go along with the game like the others.
They find ways to get around the system.
We should applaud them.
I enjoyed this blog. You make an interesting point, Guruji, though you’re right about it being very controversial. =P
A while back, I was admittedly weary of hacking because I was freaked out that people I knew who hacked would get caught and everyone else they knew would get in trouble. But now, I suppose I’m in agreement with you because I have two very dear friends to me who have hacked (and, might still be hacking. I don’t know. xD). In the game, there are people, on our Buddy Lists, who claim that they “hate people who hack.” Whatever floats your boat. Though that means you hate two of your friends. It’s like a highschool drama!
Like another friend of mine said, “I don’t like how they make out people to be evil just because they hack, “
I’m in total agreement. Not only because I have friends who hack/have hacked, but because those friends I’ve known since my early days of playing Maple Story. They’ve been legit for that long. Why not try something new now, eh? ;P As Waffle said, “It’s their life.” Whose right is it to interfere with it?
This is true FOR ANY GAME.
They don’t just go along with the game like the others.
They find ways to get around the system.
We should applaud them.”
we should applaud hackers because they break rules and take back alleys?
What kinda bull is that
the reason we have systems is for people to follow them
if people dont follow systems what do we have?
and thats exactly what hackers cause
(on a smaller scale of course, i dont mean world wars or anything)
A while back, I was admittedly weary of hacking because I was freaked out that people I knew who hacked would get caught and everyone else they knew would get in trouble. But now, I suppose I’m in agreement with you because I have two very dear friends to me who have hacked (and, might still be hacking. I don’t know. xD). In the game, there are people, on our Buddy Lists, who claim that they “hate people who hack.” Whatever floats your boat. Though that means you hate two of your friends. It’s like a highschool drama!
Like another friend of mine said, “I don’t like how they make out people to be evil just because they hack, “
I’m in total agreement. Not only because I have friends who hack/have hacked, but because those friends I’ve known since my early days of playing Maple Story. They’ve been legit for that long. Why not try something new now, eh? ;P As Waffle said, “It’s their life.” Whose right is it to interfere with it?”
if its negatively affecting other people sure you can interfere
here is the ultimate point
You cannot call ANYONE scum if you dont know them.
In no part of this blog did i say that hacking is the way of gaming
i just said you guys have no right to call ANY HACKER scum
They may disrupt gameplay, but so do KSers and Scammers,
Keep in mind, hackers are people! They have lives.
Calling a hacker scum is a stereotype and its discrimination.