Guru here!
It all started on September 5th, when I thought I downloaded this game. No idea what the heck it was. It had a nice label to it: “York University”. So I thought that I’d check it out…
Awesome MMO guys. Really awesome!
Now of course, some of you may wonder “Are you on crack? Its schoolish!”
I say nay! I will explain as to why.
Its pretty decent. Its usually just questing. After you get acquainted, you usually start off with a cellphone and get calls from your “friends” who tell you to meet them somewhere. That is the quest. In between the time you hang out with your friends (your buddy list is usually found on the cell phone), you have to attend these “lectures” (although that is just a choice). Its more like a chat line, but lots more customization (seriously, the most I have seen by far)
Now there are many classes. There are 4 main levels: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, or 4th year. However, there are many classes you can choose from: Business major, arts major, music, fine arts, economics, medicine, kinesiology, psychology, law, and etc. I’m picking the business major since its easier to make money later on after a while.
Magnificent. Sure its “schoolish”, but the graphics are simply amazing, but the designers decorated the areas with really crappy “art” and did a horrible job of texturing (upside down tree, hello?!). However, otherwise, the buildings are amazing and well built. If you are in the fine arts class, you can make more art for the campus. Also, the area is always under construction so new things are being updated all the time.
Also, other folks on the “campus” are really realistic in their mannerisms. I am serious, your characters motions can be edited seamlessly and as you talk, your character moves its mouth.
Very realistic. You can mix the ambient sounds with what MP3s you have bought or downloaded on to your computer.
Fun Factor
Decent so far. Seems more like a learning sim. But the messaging system is brilliant. Sometimes if you luck out on the professor on the campus, you can get easier quests with more rewards, so you have to look out for those too.
It gets a 9/10. Its not supposed to be a game, but its way better than Second Life. However when some folks tried signing up for it they ended up on a different campus.
Another thing about it is that it costs around 4500 Canadian dollars per year, but I got a thousand dollar discount.
~Guru wuz hurr
PS. You can find me on Gaiaonline under the guise of “AnarchoManiac”. I’m usually the guy who says “har har har you all are going to be microchipped as the illuminati take over, har har har” or “we need more sweatshops” in the Extended Discussion Debate Forum…
PSS. Sorry for my half dead blog. Usually I’d be indicting something or saying MS sucks and blows simultaneously. Not the case today. This MMO is pretty tiring…I’ll make another blog later; a much better one.
Ahahahahaha, you’re in university!
I sure wish we had some form of visuals
where’s da pics?
Oh, and check out my latest blog Guru, i found “The glitch thread” XD
Edit: Due to recent events i now have to label all of my jokes
the first two lines were a joke >.>
happy, people?
Upside-down trees ? XDDDDD
This sounds intwesting.
Zomg York. You are so close to my house XD
Wait, York, the Keele campus?
Ahhh Sushil! Congrats on getting into York University again! If you see Rahul around, tell him I said, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”. XD
That’s a pretty dang expensive MMORPG if I ever saw one. >:/
At first, I thought. . .you were serious.
Then I got to the end
and I lol’d. And went, “Oh fux, I’m gullible.”
You’re one of those scary scholarship students, I take it?
Wait, York, the Keele campus?”
Yep, Keele,
Ohh, So i Am guessing you are in Shulich of Shoelick or however you spell it?
I’m trying to get in for second year,
So I’m going to have to study my ass off in Economics,
lol, I see Rahul almost everyday. I’ll say “hi” to him next time I see him I guess

Then I got to the end
and I lol’d. And went, “Oh fux, I’m gullible.”
You’re one of those scary scholarship students, I take it?”
I got me a 1k bursary.
Wow good stuff. I cant stand the business. I took accounting last year and my GAWD.
Now are you are going to be rich and cool and famous for that MMO you are planning.
Now are you are going to be rich and cool and famous for that MMO you are planning.”
Then Guru is gonna forget about us.
Then, once he becomes a big game producer, he’s gonna come back one day and pay MrBasil to buy MMOT off of him!