Rant about rants -.-

I have been seeing way too many of these rants recently. All about the same topics..

I get that you need to let off some steam..but realy..we have seen enough to get your point.

When you see many of the same topics..it gets annoying reading them…Just like some of you hate love stories..i am starting to hate these rants -.-

Sorry if this has offended anyone..but its my point of view

gujju ♥

P.S. This refers to those rants about the same topics, like people who say “CC” or hackers and such…Not rants about things we never talked about before

8 thoughts on “Rant about rants -.-”

  1. yees, messa get chure point
    translation= yes, i get ur point. i get watcha mean ><“
    wootness. how did u make that lil’ heart? XD

  2. the heart is my new trademark lol

    just type in (& hearts 😉
    dont use brackets and no spaces =)

  3. This is very true. Too many rants would make more rants. But some of these things have to be said, and some of these people have to say them. But you’re right, and if people don’t want to read what they don’t like, then they shouldn’t read them. (If that makes sense)

  4. I feel that if all the rants are not excactly the same(different perspective of a certain thing), it’s all right. Who knows, some people might enjoy reading these kinds of rants. However, some rant are indeed getting old. e.g. I scammed a scammer -.-“

  5. Maybe if the topics were taken into consideration, and not just shunned off by a meaningless topic, then people would stop the rants.

  6. People shouldn’t post about their problems in rants if it really does nothing to make the situation any better. But if it helps them cool down, then it’s all good XD Though yes, it does get annoying at times.

  7. like i said, rants about things that arent said alot are cool, but rants about the same old things get boring to read, and lost all meaning if we read about the topics too many times.

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