Crying over real life and Maple?

I graduated from high school yesterday. I did the valedictory address, and it went reasonably well. All in all, it would have been a fine graduation, except for one thing.

Most of my really good friends are black females, which is…well, unique. Only because I’m a white male and I live in the Deep South. People are more progressive than they used to be, but you can draw your own conclusions. Anyway, one of my friend’s mother looked me in the eye and said “Don’t let them divide you.”

I’ll admit it. I cried a little when I got home. I know it sounds lame.

But when I signed onto Maple to…well, get away, I guess…I find out the only person I’ve ever kinda had a real affection for is going to be gone for a while, and probably thinks I’m a stuck up egoist.

This game is becoming a little too complicated. I miss the days where I just killed things by myself with no one to worry about. Now, there are all these slightly unstable and needy folks that go off at the slightest bit of criticism or misfired joke.

I wonder if anyone agrees with me when I say Maple sometimes seems a breeding ground for the attention-starved, pseudo-intellectuals, and elitists.

…It’s like Congress in an RPG setting.

That screen shot is from a while ago, and it makes me smile.

13 thoughts on “Crying over real life and Maple?”

  1. No, I’m sure that person thinks that you’re NOT a stuck-up egoist.
    In fact, that person saw you as one of the few people he could find solace in, hence why he would sometimes get jealous of you and be tight-lipped with certain subjects.

    Wow, I’m real smooth. >_>

  2. Most people don’t get it. Even my other friend, my best friend, didn’t get it.

    But I know exactly what she meant.

  3. I feel like that too, recently.

    Or like, pixelated soup opera.

    Yes, soup opera. Of the variety that is bland, tasteless, yet bad enough to make you weep.

  4. Wait, I know you. . . I think. . . you’re. . . uh. . . CRAIG! Right? o-O”

    I remember some purple hair dood in the FM with Aaru-senpai.

  5. *Waves insanely*
    HIIII. You probably don’t remember me at all.

    But I’m the crazy crossbow girl in the FM with the whip. Saying that if someone said Aaru-senpai looked ugly I’d whip their ass.

  6. Guile07 said: “No, I remember you.

    I remember most kinky things. ;D”


  7. I wonder how this blog got passed me.


    I remember that picture, I didn’t even realize you were in High School. Goes to show how much of a friend I really am. It’s funny how some people change in a short amount of time.

    And looking at that picture, it makes me smile too.

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