Thats what I thought when I entered my first Perfect World Territory War.
It was HECTIC!

Let’s start from the beggining.


Guild Member- “I can’t wait for tonights TW”
Grimno- “Theres a TW tonight?! O.O”

Well, I really wanted to do this TW.
Cause this would be our last “Guild VS Monsters” TW.

Other times I couldn’t.
(Long story)

You see, since I talked alot on XBOX Live after my brother and his GF went to bed (Meoki), It would keep them up.
So now I’m punished to where once Meoki goes to bed, I lose the internet.

Well, I pretty much pleaded with Meoki to allow me to have internet for it.
She said sure since I helped tank some monsters for her.

So, I now had to stay awake till. . . 7:15 AM to when the TW started @_@

After eating a charleston chew and a large glass of Sprite, I was wide awake >: D

7:00 AM

Picture 1- The guild members doing TW assembled at Ancient Dragon Cities South Teleporter.
I had no clue what was gonna occur in there.
Its easy to identify peoples lvls.
If they are flying, they’re over lvl 30.
If they’re riding a pet, they’re over lvl 40
If their flying device looks “unique”, they’re over lvl 50.
If they got a Green Weapon, they’re over lvl 60
If that Green Weapon is a pair of dual “tri-bladed” axes, they’re over lvl 70.


One by one, the Chat Box announced whos turn it was to do TW.
It wasn’t like a PQ where it’s 1 at a time.
It was like
“You enter…”
*5 minutes later*
“You enter…”
*5 minutes later*
“You enter…”
and so on.

Eventually (about #5) it said “Guild Memoire can now enter the TW at South Screen Mountain”

So we all went to the Teleporter and entered.


This is it. This is what makes a guild a guild with influence.
This is where men show their stuff.
This was Territory War!

We all charged in and I saw that we were given 3 Hours.
THREE HOURS to complete this thing.
We had to kill 180 monsters. Or was it 250… idk…

So we went around and they were lvl 75ish monsters.
I went “meep” and hid in the back.
Of course, I did start attacking after relizing they were weakish…

Picture 2- Us attacking the Generals.
Boy were THEY fun…

BOOM! 800 damage to all players 20 meters around it.


Thank God for Priests and their healing abilities… and their ressurection.

>: D

Priests in PW get Ressurection at lvl 26


Well. Then we went in and cleared out everything.
3 monsters remained.
2 were easilly dealt with but during so, 1 player accidently attracted the bosses attention.

One member said “Someone pulled a Leeroy”.
For those who don’t know, “Leeroy” is in reference to “Leeroy Jenkins” of World Of WarCraft, who charged into a huge den of flying monsters recklessly, ignoring his parties plan, and ended with everyone dying.


Leeroy Jenkins- Proving to the world that you don’t need “A Plan”. You just charge headfirst into danger blindly!

*wipes a tear away* Brings pride to warriors like me

And like this too

Well, we cornered the boss.

Picture 3- Big ain’t he?

I made the pun “ITS HAMMER TIME” when we charged him.

Well, we won. We captured the territory.

And now for something that happened today XD

There are things in PW called “FBs”.
FBs are quests obtained every 9th lvl.
(19, 29, 39, 49 (which I hate cause the lvl 49 one is aquired at lvl 51 so technically is FB51) 59, 69 ,79 and so on)

Well, I was helping someone do an FB19.

Most people go as a group and clear their way to the boss at the end.
Most stick to a “plan”

Then ran in blindly.

Like this


Picture 4- End Result

Theres like, 30ish monsters after me.
I did kill em all >: D

Third time I did this in that FB wasn’t so lucky… I died. >.>
Priest revived me..

Since I was bored one day, I used an item which turned my head into a Pumpkin for 300 seconds.
End result.

Picture 5- Me streaking across ADC West (The FM of PW) with nothing but my underwear, shoes, and a smile XD

Ok. Thats all for today. I got stuff to do… and its 5:14 AM


~Grimno ( LEEERRROOOOYYY *jumps through a window* JEENNnnnkkiinnns..)

13 thoughts on “Perfect World-TERRITORY WAR”

  1. Grimno said: “Grimno- “Theres a TW tonight?! O.O””

    I thought you meant Taiwan. I was like
    “Theres a Taiwan tonight?!”

    Uh wtf lol

  2. I saw ads all over for this game while I was overseas, it looked tempting >__> But now that I’ve read what it’s done to you I think I shall never play it
    kweh kweh kweh.

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