I’ve been playing Perfect World.
Very much alot.
Well. I am now a proud lvl.
22 baby!
I got the SHIZ.
Well. The quests have been getting a little more tedious.
But MAN do they give good xp!
Heres me. Lvl 21. I need 25k xp in order to lvl.
One quest gives 14k xp, while another gives 10k!
In the game, I’ve also been crafting. My job is Crafter. *smiles heroicly*. I make weapons.
Well, its not like it says “Grimno “Job-Crafter”” no.
Its just my sub-perk.
It was either make Weapons, make Armor, make Potions, or make Jewerly.
I wanted to make kick-ass weapons.
And I have! I made this set of twin silver hammers.
Normally does like, 123-178 damage. I crafted my own! And these do 166-199 damage!
They are bad-ass.
Moving on, here’s a picture of me carrying a fox!
Random, yes.
That’s meoki. You know, the girl I “snuggled” with.
Well she can turn into a fox. And then jump into my arms. It was funny. And akward. She thought it was hilarious.
Let’s see what else. . .
Oh. The “Big city” of the game is the “Imperial City”.
MAN if it ain’t beautiful.
When you stand in the square at night. When the full moon is glistening in the sky and all the lamps make everything bright and hazy, and the cherry blossum leaves fall around you. You are in one freakin daze man!
I was like “Duuuuuuuddddeeeee”
And then came a “!” mark appearing.
(chinese name) wishes to Duel
Uh. . . sure?
So then we’re fighting and fighting and fighting.
But in the end he wins. I got him to half-health.
I checked his stats and he was like, lvl 32.
I still say I did pretty well.
And I bought, for 10k, my lvl 30 FLYING DEVICE! YES!!!
It’s hard to find these. I think.
I think an NPC sells em.
But I’ve never found him.
Well, my flying device is a HUGE BLUE SWORD.
Now, some of you are saying “Pfft, in FLYFF you can fly a board at lvl 15!”
Well here’s my defense.
“Yeah, a BOARD. Not a SWORD.” (Rhyme. Heheheh)
I’ll be like in the air acting like a pilot
~krrt~ This is Kappa-9, this is Kappa-9. Starting my attack run. Over ~krrt~
~Krrt~ Kappa-9 this is Mother-Nest. You may proceed. ~krrt~
~krrt~ Roger ~krrt~
~krrt krrt~
~krrt waffles ~krrt~
~krrt~ “Brrzzt?” ~krrt~
~brrzzt~ Sorry sir. Battery dying. ~brawwmm~
And then I’d take that sword, fly low, and start piercing every enemy while LAUGHING!
But that’s not until lvl 30.
But luckily the guy I got it from spoke ENGLISH.
That’s rare.
I mean, it’s a Chinese game, so EVERYONE speak’s chinese.
But alot do know English.
So whew. . .
Here’s a picture of me running around the Imperial City square.
Spiffy new armor. Yeeaahhh.
Also those are those hammer’s I crafted.
It even says it on the item info
“Crafted by Grimno”
Also. Those things. . . behind me.
All those cat things.
Those are player shops. Like the ones in MapleStory’s FM.
Cept these can be placed anywhere in a city.
There were hundreds there. See the radar? GreenDots = Players OR Shops.
Yellow is NPC
Brown is NPC with a quest for me.
What else. . . what else.
OH! This game ALSO has a CashShop.
But their’s is BETTER than MapleStorys.
I bet your like “Pfft. No ways”
I’m like “Pfft. Yes ways.”
There stuff is ALL perminate.
No “Expire after 90 days”
You buy it, you can do WHATEVER with it.
Drop it. Sell it. Give it to someone. Use it. Equip it. Snuggle with it. (Not really. . . but I bet people still try).
One guy bought 100 MegaPhones (They have those in here too) and was selling them. 20k each.
I bought 1. Used it. Had fun with it.
And there’s the Formal Cloths.
Ug. . . people sell those left and right. But they’re like, 380k EACH.
Now it’s funny to see WHAT clothing they are selling.
Grimno- *checking shops* Huh. . . Red Women’s Panties. . . 300k. *checks wallet* Nope. . . 250k short.
Grimno- *checks shops* Hmm. Brown women’s bra. For Women Character Use only. Same as the panties. 270k.
Now guys arn’t left out so no worries.
Grimno- *checks a shop* Hum. Tropical Men’s Underwear. . . For Male Character Use Only. 340k. Man do those look spiffy.
It’s hilarious.
One guy challanged me to a duel while I was doing quests.
And I was like “BRING IT”
So we dueled. He tried to run but “I” had Wind Walk. (Warrior Skill- Increases Character Speed by 55% for 15 seconds. Current lvl-3)
So I chased him down, launched some Dragon Missles at him. (Idk what it’s really called. I forget. But it’s AWESOME)
And I beat him, and in the chat box for all to see, it read
“Grimno Triumped In His Duel Against (Chinese Name)”
He gave me the “Angry” Emoteacon.
I gave him the “Laughing” Emoteacon.
I shall give more pictures later.
~Grimno (But dude. it’s still a SWORD! That it like, the ULTIMATE way for a warrior to fly.)
LOL all those squares!
I know how to read Chinese, but if I played this game, I’ll be taking like, two seconds to decipher each Chinese character. XD
I think the snuggle function is hella funny. XDXD
Show us a screenshot of what the intimacy button does.
Wha wha whaat?
Traditional chinese? Waah.
Wee for in-game soft pron
Ewwwwwwwwww you guys are gross >_______>;;
Rofl rofl rofl at all the “[][][][]”, though now I’m even more scared after reading the previous and current blog. . . .