Pap Clay Update /w Postcards & Story

-Note- This was posted for a little while, but I deleted it cause right after I posted it, other MMOtaler’s had posted story blogs, so my blog was pushed far down. I deleted and reposted later in hopes for it to do better.

Alright, THIS is the final one update for the MC project. I was wrong about it probably being done by Wensday, since I had forgotten that SOL’s are testing so the Ceramics class period is shorter. Luckily, all I have left to make is
1. Finish his left arm (add fingers)
2. Add left shoulder bell
3. Hollow it.
4. Make Papulatus (Ghost) on his chair thingie.
5. Make it so the Papulatus (Ghost) thingie, will fit in the hollowed hole.

I should have steps 1-3 done tommarow in the 1/2 hour class. Tis uber.

MS Postcards
I’ve been playing Company of Heroes alot, and making these little postcards are very fun to me. I’ve been on a roll, so I’ve also posted pictures of the postcards I have made since yesterday.
(Parents away so I have lots of free time. Muhaha, and pizza. Muhahah. ::drinks rootbeer:: )
I’ve actually got a story with the postcards, here it is.
In the forum “Examples of Immaturaty in MapleSEA” I posted this

Grimno : Down with MapleSea! It spawns EVIL! EVIL!
::flings a burning torch at the base of MapleSea, only for it to get wet from the Sea part, and go out. Grimno is then attacked by a horde of newbs, he fights bravely, killing many, cept they kept respawning, and attacking. AND ATTACKING. Till Grimno is hit in the side of the head with a snail shell and knocked out. They take him hostage.::

The story continues as such.

::19:45 – Somwhere in SouthWestern Europe- ::

Grimno- Uh…wha…where am I? ::blinking slowly::

Lvl 7 Newb- Shuddup! Only speak till da BOSS speaks to ya.

Grimno- ::tries to rub his head but relizes hes tied to a pole:: Look, if this is about that guy in my Acura’s drunk, I can explain. He was trying to sell me a vegi-peeler. What else was I to do!?

Lvl 7 Newb- I said shuddup! ::smacks Grimno::

Grimno- Ow…

Da Boss- Well well well. If it isn’t Grimno, how have ya been? ::smiles evilly::

Grimno- ::gasp:: YOU!? Your the ringleader of the newbs!?

Da Boss- Yesss. ::steps out into the light to reveal a miniature Zakum::

Grimno- ::looks toward camera:: “Vat a twist!” ( <– Robot Chicken XD )

Zakum Jr. “Ever since you made that sculpture of me, I’ve been getting too much attention!”

Grimno- “But it’s cute! Its got dem little wincy arms, wincy dincy, wincy arms…hehehe” ::cheeks turn red::

Zakum Jr. “SILENCE!” ::growls:: “Because of you, the “High Levels” have been ripping my father, Zakum, to pieces! Since then, I’ve had to hire newbs, NEWBS FOR PETE’S SAKE, to do my evil bidding.

Grimno- ::shocked:: You won’t get away with this!

Zakum Jr.- Oh but I will! ::laughs evilly::

Grimno- NEVA! ::twists body, attempting to free himself::

Zakum Jr.- Good luck! That rope is ADAMENTIUM!

Grimno- ::breaks free:: HUZZAH!

Zakum Jr. ::gasp:: How did you do that!? ::growls in anger:: That was pure Adamantium!

Grimno- You pick up a free things from players while waiting to get into the Ludi PQ, you were never aware since Newbs can’t even get to Ludibrium!

Zakum Jr.- You may be free, but my Newb army will run down MapleStory like a 362 pound women chasing down a stalled pizza truck.

Grimno- Ho HO! You forget, I can battle your newb army and save MS!

Zakum Jr.- But your just one man!

Grimno- EXACTLY! ::Grimno’s Clone Army Appears::

Zakum Jr.- HOLY CRAP! Isn’t that the army that defeated MasterCheeze in combat!?

Grimno- Bingo…ATTACK!!! ::Grimno and others charge::

Ever since then, the Grimno Clone Army, or G.C.A., has been battling the Newb army in a reinactment of World War 2. Cept its real bullets.

The postcards are some of the postcards the MMOtale’s mail carrier had recieved…

Wish Grimno at the G.C.A. luck as they fight on to defeat the newbs!

(No signiture since Grimno is not here right now….)

8 thoughts on “Pap Clay Update /w Postcards & Story”

  1. >_<

    All you want is attention to get likes. . .

    It looks like it.

    Sorry if I am attacking you or something. I mean, cares if they are getting pushed down?!

  2. Who’s Private Mitchel? I thought it was your clone army.
    Just stating.
    Still, hope you win the war.
    *Sits back, nightdreaming about myself holding an MA5B, ablazing*

  3. Answers to notes
    “Who’s Private Mitchel?” by darkness
    Answer- Just cause their clones doesn’t mean we can’t name em. We tried GC-1 (Grimno Clone 1) and such, but it got aggrivating, so we gave em name tags. Like Bert, and Jimmy, and Papulatus. Yes, I named one of my snipers Papulatus. He “Paps” ya (“Pops”), lol.
    “Just Rubbing Alchohol?” by TuxedoHobo
    Answer- Yes, since their out. Don’t ask me, GC-65+ (Dr. Sullivan) sent the message. The + means hes a medic.

  4. Lmao.
    I love the postcards.

    What game is that, anyways?

    *goes to Normandy to help, gets shot*


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