Noob Hunting and Indentification #1

In the Maple World, there are many noobs running about. People have posted blogs about noob encounters, pervs, and idiots. But I have studied them. I have hunted them. I know what their weak against, and their strengths.

Notice subject A ::points to a cage which holds some player whos cursing and hollaring to be released::
The Noob. Wild in fury, hatred in mind. The player who has nothing better to do…

The following is a detailed list of Noobs and what they do and how to avoid based on my experiences. (Other players may have better ideas)

“FOUL MOUTH NOOB” -Hazard Level=Minimal-
The player with a very “colorful” vocabulary…and no reason to play…

Most Found At- Any large gathering of players. Usually PQ areas or popular training spots.

Strengths- His words. He can insult you to the point of where you change channel and then he whispers you more insults. Rarely he will have a freind of his with him who is boosting his moral by laughing at you.

Weakness- Weak inner strength. Allthough he has a few bad words to say at you, that doesn’t mean you can’t say em back. To defeat the Foul-Motuh Noob, it is best to outnumber him. Remember, 2 people insulting beats 1 person mouthing off. Use his stratgies against him.

How to avoid- Pretty much ignore him, don’t even get involved. And turn off Whispers.

“DEFAMEING NOOB” -hazard Level=Minimal to High-
Evolved version of the Foul-Mouthed Noob

Most Found at- Large areas of people. Known training spots.

The Defaming Noob is the same as the Foul-Mouthed Noob…but he hasn’t used his fame for the day… He travels around, getting into fights, and trying to make others feel small.

Strengths- Foul words and 1 defame… its not much. But DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE FACT THAT HE COULD HAVE FRIENDS! There are many times players have gotten a person mad only to have around 7 people show up and defame them…

Weakness- He can’t protect himself from being Defamed by you and your friends. Its pretty much a stale-mate here.

How to Avoid- Same as the Foul-Mouth Noob. Turn off whispers, and carry around 6k to buy a fame back.

“THE STEALING NOOB” -hazard level=almost none-
The noob who wants it all, including yours.

Most Found At- Popular Training Spots

Most commonly known as the “Looter”. This noob is found scaveging items dropped by monsters others have killed. Their purpose is to gather everything they need without hitting a button other than Z

Strengths- None really known. Most looters these days are actually “Vaccers” who use the Vaccum-Hack.

Weaknesses- Pretty much everything. Unless they have Vac hack and you have a crappy internet connection. You can pretty much beat him to the punch and cause him to leave.

How to Avoid- Simply grab your items before he does…he’ll eventually change channel…

“HACKING NOOB” -Hazard Level=HIGH-
Pumped up players who like to go the easy way.

Most Common Locations- Anywhere there are players

Players who cheat and decide that “Making others miserable through cheap hacks is the way to go” They Vac Hack, use God Mode, and pretty much have an attitude.

Strengths- His/her hacks. Thats it.

Weaknesses- His only weakness are players who report them. But if no GM’s actually care, hes pretty much invincible.

How to Avoid- There are no true ways of beating a hacker. The best idea would be to simple change channel and hope he doesn’t follow.

“THE STUCK-UP NOOB” -hazard level=None-
He has it all and likes to make others know it.

Most Common Locations- Wherever players are

This kind of Noob likes to say he has it ALL. He may be lvl 12 but I’m Sure (sarcastic) he has a Frozen Tuna AND Orange Skis! He says he has it, and likes to brag. And then when you ask where they are, he says “On my other account” or “On my Mule” or “On my other character.”

Strengths- Nothing. He has no ammo cept a possible Defame, and they usually only start cussing when you cuss first.

Weaknesses- Those who call him a liar and laugh at him.

How to avoid- Either agree with him and say you don’t care. Or say “So do I” and give him one of those three responses when he asks “So where are they?”

There you have it. This is the first of a few Identification posts that will help you survive Noobs in MapleStory.
I hope you enjoyed it and hope it helps you in the future.


Now if you’ll excuse me. I g2g get ready for my players wedding in Windia.

11 thoughts on “Noob Hunting and Indentification #1”

  1. What about the ‘Scammer N00b’?

    ‘tab tab space entr 2 duplic8 itemz lool’

    But a very nice guide to n00b identification. I shall have to print out a copy to take with me the next time I go round Henesys and Kerning.

  2. that was soo amusing to read
    keep up the good work XD
    ~Looking forward for #2!~

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. well you could also add the “immature brat noob” acts immature like a spoiled 6-year-old. You can add more =D

  4. Indescane said: “What about the ‘Scammer N00b’?

    ‘tab tab space entr 2 duplic8 itemz lool’

    But a very nice guide to n00b identification. I shall have to print out a copy to take with me the next time I go round Henesys and Kerning.”

    Good point! Yeah! Where is the Scammer N00b? Gotta learn ’bout dat one.

  5. For the stuck-up noob, another possibility is to show him you really HAVE those items, if you do.
    The last time I was training my nub sin someone came one called me a noob, cause he was lvl22 and I was only lvl14.
    He said I was only using tobis, which he claimed was noob as he had ilbis.

    I told him that my main account was poor and he said I was lying cause he thought I didn’t have one. He told me his main account was lvl116. So I decided to bring my lvl81 fire mage over and the moment I arrive he went, ‘MESOS PL0X’. I told him who I was and asked him to bring my main account over. He told me it was in bootes -_-

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