Noob Hunting and Identification #2

In the vast Maple land there are many players who act in an odd fasion. This is the 2nd part of my handy guide in how to understand, and beat, the noob.
(Note- After seeing comments, I have added a few choice ones from their suggestions)

“CHILD-NOOB” -hazard level=Minimal-
At level 10, he was higher level than his age…

Common Locations- Large groups of people. Kerning city PQ.

This is the noob that acts like a child. Either he IS a child, or craves attention. Either way, he annoys people by saying odd things and poorly thought out sentences. Example -“Me want mesos please!” F2

Strengths- After careful study, it has been determined that the CHILD NOOB has no strengths.

Weakness- A quick insult, a quick comeback, and the occasional “LOL, go away newb/noob” will put this annoying pest in his/her place.

How to Avoid- IGNORE THEM, IGNORE THEM, IGNORE THEM. If you even say ANYTHING to such a person, they will bug you till your blue in the face!

“BEGGING NOOB” -Hazard level=NONE-
Has it when he doesn’t

Common Locations- FM, Newb training grounds, Ship Stations, Ticket Booths, item shops, weapen shops.

Quite common, these are the players who need what you have. They may HAVE the 7k to buy a ticket to Ludi, but they say their broke and ask for mesos from others. They are like the Scaveging noob. But they ask first

Strengths- Again. No reported strengths. Pretty much its simply if you GIVE them the mesos or items. Then they’d call you a newb and cc

Weakness- People who won’t give him anything

How to Avoid- Simply keep walking and pretend he doesn’t exist…

*New* “WEDDING NOOBS” -hazard level=High to “Scream and smash your keyboard”-
Remember, he “KNOWS” you…

Common Locations- Cathedral, Chapel

This is a two-part one. You got A- “Wedding Wanters” and “Wedding Crashers”. WW’s are the guys who stand out on the Cathedral steps BEGGING to be invited, usually bugging the guests. WC’s noobs are the guys who may be your buddy, but act really stupid while in the wedding (Spamming during session, talking during pic so your face is covered).

Strengths- For the WW, nothing. For the WC, hes pretty much invincible. And truthfully you couldn’t blam him (you could..) but it was YOUR fault for inviting him/her. (if your wife/husband invited them…its their fault..)

Weakness- The fact that you don’t have to invite them. And have them sit out…

How to Avoid- For WW’s… if your having a wedding, your gonna have to put up with them until the wedding starts. For WC’s, since their in the wedding, there IS NO WAY to avoid them.

“ODD TALKING NOOB” -hazard level=Minimal to High-
Me l>@l) t0 d@ l>0llE

Common Locations- Anywhere, MegaPhones.

These are they players who think their all that simply cause they know how to put some symbols together and spell something…

Strengths- Their odd language. Heck, unless you know how to talk like them, you wouldn’t even know if their insulting your mom..

Weaknesses- A dictionary and spell check!

How to Avoid- Close your text box and keep walking. Or standing, sitting, running, teleporting, jumping, climbing, singing, dancing, squatting…you get the point.

“STUPID PQ NOOB” -Hazard level=High-
Joining pq! I got track!

Common Locations- Kerning PQ, Ludi PQ

These are simply the low level players who get into PQ partys because they have “a track”. Its usually a stage 1 or 2…

Strengths- When they say that they’ve got a track, they WILL be invited by someone…and then they’d ask what it is…and the guy would be like. AFK for a moment before saying it…which turns out to suck, and wastes your time.

Weakness- Other then kicking them from the party, they’re gonna get you hook, line and sinker…

How to Avoid- if your pqing, there is no way to avoid them. Your inner self will be saying “He HAS a TRACK! GET HIM!”

“AFK PQ NOOB” -Hazard level= VERY HIGH-
I’ll brb

Common Locations- Ludi PQ

These are the players who were with you all the way…till u got into the PQ.

Strengths- Their ability to postpone a shower UNTIL they got into the Pq. And their ability to magically make a “I’ll brb in 5 minutes” to Waiting for 20…and the abiltiy to make others mad and leave the party, forcing you out.

Weaknesses- NONE

How to Avoid- There is no way to avoid. If its gonna happen, its gonna happen.

There ya go, the 2nd chaper of Noob Hunting and Identification. As soon as I compile some more noob listings (around 5 or more) I will pst the 3rd one. I hope you enjoyed this, and remember.
“A Noob a day, kept the player away” -Quote–Grimno-


6 thoughts on “Noob Hunting and Identification #2”

  1. And this is the reason so many people go, as I call it, noob-slaying. Be it with a summoning bag or a mystic door, it’s fun watching it rain tombstones!

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