I included some NON-STORY related Pictures with this. SO I might as well get them out of they way first.
You know how I’m usually chainsawing people in half? Well, this time I took some digital photos!
(I was using Gears of War)
Picture 1- Theres me! I look smexy
Picture 2- I chainsawed Dest so many times. . . this is his remains. Notice the chunks. . .
Picture 3- Mid-Chainsawing Cheeze last night. Its kinda blurred, but you can make out everything.
Picture 4- Someone chucked a stale MuffinMallow at me, and it knocked me out. . .
~Unknown Location~ ??:?? AM/PM
::The world around him was blurred and distorded, and he had no clue if he was standing or not. Through his partly opened eyes, he could see familiar machinery powered up and working. The lights were dim, and the people moving around didn’t say a word. . He let out a soft moan, then one of the people walked up to him. Although his vision was blurred, he could make out parts of the face. It seemed familiar, yet twisted and surreal.::
“Wakey wakey. We wouldn’t want our guest of honor to fall asleep during the presentation, now would we?”
::The man spoke to him. His lips dry and cracked, he gave a weak response. Every second that passed, he felt weaker, as if some unseen force was pulling away his vitality.::
“Who, are you?”
::The person chuckled::
“Oh come now Grimmy. . . don’t you recognize a friend?”
::Grimno tried to move, but relized he was chained the wall, yet he was positioned as if he was on a large cross. Squinting his eyes, he looked at the face again, and was shocked to realize who he was starring at.::
::Izaac smiled, parts of his flesh torn::
“Nice to see you recognize me.”
“What happened to you? You look like one of those sour. . .things. . “
::Izaac chuckled through his teeth then brought in a breath to speak:: “I AM a sour. . .now at least. . .”
“What happened?”
::Izaac folded his arms behind his back and looked at Grimno::
“Not long after you went missing, N.U.T. forces invaded Orbis. Taking it over. . . After that, I called some mercanaries to locate you. They did, but didn’t bring you back. To top it all off, the sour clones invaded Ludi.”
“WHAT!?” ::Grimno raised his voice, but a sharp pain in his back made him wince up and shut up::
“I know. They overran the G.C.A. and they retreated. Making Ludi, S.C.A. territory. During the battle, I was killed. But thanks to the engineering of this facility and minds of the S.C.A., I was brought back to life!”
“But as a corrupted sour with no mind or freewill. . .”
::Izaac grabbed Grimno’s throat and squeezed:: “You have no idea do you!? What they are capable of!? The sours will change this game!”
::Gasping for air, yet responding.:: “What then!? After you take over MS?”
::Izaac released his grip.:: “We will move on. First we’ll take down Runescape. Then Flyff. Then World of Warcraft. Maybe even Ragnorak after that. . .”
“Your sick Izaac. . .I trusted you, and look what you have become. . “
“Wook what wou wah wewome ::mocking Grimno’s words:: AH SHUT IT! They needed a leader, and now they got a leader.”
“Your heading the S.C.A.?”
“Yep. Once we finish with making the base in Ludi, we will storm the final place and take down Victoria Island. The only safe haven will be Maple Island. Since one cannot go from here, to there.”
::Grimno thought for a moment:: “What about El Nath?”
“Oh, we took that place not long ago. As you can see, we DID get some spoils.”
::Izaac snapped his fingers toward one of the sour clone Engineers, who then flipped a switch. To the right of Grimno, 6 lights popped on, and he saw 6 people were chained up like him.::
“What the?”
::The person chained next to him looked over. He saw Grimno and spoke in his cyber voice::
“So thats where you went. . “
::Fpooned spoke::
“Fpooned? Epic? Tuxedo? Fenrir? What happened?” ::Grimno questioned. He had no clue who the other 2 were. Probably just some players.::
::Fpooned shook his head:: “There were too many. . . we tried to stop them all but they overran us. Many players tried to fall back but it didn’t work. Those dam coolies attacked our rear while S.C.A. attacked our front. . .”
“Well, the coolies are sour clones. . .”
“Your kidding me?”
“Nah, it was an old coverup. . .” ::He looked at Izaac:: “So now that you got us, then what?”
::Izaac smiled, an evil smile:: “Oh, we have one idea.” ::He snapped his fingers again and Epictales’s platform started to move. Thats when Grimno relized they were chained to slabs of metal on some sort of conveyor belt.::
“What going on!?”
“Watch and see my old chum . . watch and see.”
::Epic was screaming and cursing, telling them to release him or he was gonna “drop the hammer” on them.::
“Quiet there.” ::Izaac spoke to him.:: “You should enjoy your final moments!”
::Epictales looked at him as his slab was being lowered into some sort of glass container:: “ONCE I GET OUT OF HERE I”M GONNA KICK YOU *** SO HARD I’LL PROBABLY KICK A FIELD GOAL!”
::Epic’s slab was placed into the container and the top sealed. His cursing and shouting muffled by the soundproof glass.::
“And with the press of a button.” ::Izaac pressed a green button on what looked like the master panel.::
::Inside the canister, a green mist starting filling it up, and Epictales started to cough and seem, dazed.::
“What is that stuff?” ::Fpooned questioned::
“Its a type of annistetia. It doesn’t knock you out, just numb your body.”
::After the mist filled, it was vaccumed out, and Epic had a look of someone who was half drunk, and half awke. To one side of the canister was a row of metal objects. One started to move and seemed to be a long needle. It moved around, and pointed toward Epic::
“What are they doing!?” ::Fpooned shouted as he watched Epic, then turned toward Izaac.::
“Silence. . .” ::Izaac spoke.::
::The needle shot foward and pierced into the side of Epic’s head, between his right eye and ear. Epic looked to be screaming in pain, and a purplish fluid was seen being injected into his brain directly. After a moment, the needle pulled itself out and Epic stopped screaming. He started spasiming, he body shaking all around, as much as it could, even though he was chained. After a moment, he stopped moving alltogether, and his skin seemed to be moving. Veins protruded from his skin, and a thick yellow pus started spilling out his mouth. Slowly, he was raised out of the canister and the chains broke off, making him fall to the ground.::
::Izaac walked up to him:: “Stand. . “
::Epictales stood. Fpooned, Tuxedo ,who remained speechless this whole time, Fenrir, and Grimno watched Epictales. His eyes were blank, and tinted black.::
“Hello Epic.”
“Hello Izaac. . .”
“How are you doing?”
“Fine. . .”
“What do you want to do?”
::Epic turned his head toward Grimno and points at him:: “Kill him. . .”
::Tuxedo finally started to speak:: “What did you do to him? What kind of sick joke IS THIS!?”
“Now now. Epic here just went on a journey. You can call him, SourTales. Like a candy really.”
::Tuxedo was screaming:: “YOU MUTHA ******! I”M GONNA KILL YOU! I”LL KILL YOU!!!”
“Shut him up Tales. . ” ::Izaac motioned to Epic::
::Epictales picked up fpooned’s Katana which was placed on a table with other weapens, and in quick movements, jammed the blade into Tuxedo’s hip::
::Tuxedo howled with pain as Epictales twisted the blade around::
“STOP IT!” ::Grimno shouted, and Epictales pulled the blade out, dripping with blood, and place it back on the table::
“Now you see what we are capable of!” ::Izaac turned to Grimno, smirking.::
“Capable of being mindless slaves!” ::Grimno spoke::
“Oh no. We arn’t slaves at all. In fact, you should take comfort in knowing that each and everyone of you is gonna join us. And once you get turned Grimno, it’ll be fun watching you attack your own forces. OH THE IRONY! The G.C.A. Leader, attacking the G.C.A.! What could be a bigger twist than that!?”
“THIS!” ::Grimno mustered his strength and pulled his legs clean of the chains and wrapped them around Izaac’s head, twisting his legs, and snapping Izaacs neck, and making a sickening *snap* ::
::Izaac stood there, then reached up and twisted his head back into place:: “Hahahaha. Thats a good one Grimmy. . .always full of surprises.”
“Go to hell!” ::Grimno spat at him and his spit splattered onto Izaac’s cheek::
::Izaac realed back and punched Grimno in his gut, who then started coughing. Then tied his legs up again, tightly::
“I’ll be back to turn you guys once I finish giving out the orders for the Vic assault.” ::Izaac turned and headed out of the room.::
::The lights turned off. The 6 remaining people were tied to the chains, and the man once known as EpicTales stood there, watching them.::
“We’re doomed. . .” ::Grimno whispered.:: “We failed. And now this is our fate. . .”
“Psst. Grimno.”
::Grimno looked over to see Fpooned whispering to him:: “Yeah? What?”
“I got an idea. . .”
“Lets hear it then.” ::Fenrir, to Fpooned’s right entered the conversation.::
“NO TALKING!” ::Epic shouted at them::
::Fpooned continued:: “Alright. This is how we’re gonna get out. Epictales there might still have the same inner personality.”
“Meaning?” ::Grimno asked::
“Meaning, we might be able to get him to “help” us, without him knowing. His “blade” was always a few nics short of a masterpiece. . .”
::Fenir scowled:: “Ewww… Fpooned, I never you were like that!”
::Fpooned turned his head and growled:: “I’m talking about his intelligence you idiot!”
::Fpooned looked back at Grimno:: “Just follow my lead.” ::He looked at Epic:: “Yo, Teeder totter!”
::Epictales looked at him:: “I said SHUT UP!”
“I heard a rumor, that you like Ponies!”
“I don’t like ponies! Now shut up before I use your own sword and crame it down your windpipe!”
::Grimno smiled:: “Why are you EPIC!? Theres nothing “Big” about you, if you catch my drift. . .”
“What part of SHUT UP are you not UNDERSTANDING HERE!?” ::Epictales was shouting::
“I think its the “Wazzup” part.” ::Fenrir spoke::
::Grimno and Fpooned looked at him and just shook their heads. . .::
::Fpooned looked back at Epic:: “Yo Epic! If I had a 5 mesos, for every brain you DIDN”T have, I’d have 5 mesos.”
::Epictales stood up:: “Thats it! I’ll explain it to Izaac later!” ::He grabbed the Katana and headed toward Fpooned::
“Ahh, is the whittle man gonna cut me?” ::Fpooned laughed::
“I SAID SHUT UP!” ::He thrust the blade at Fpooned who pulled the same trick Grimno did, but grabbed the blade with his feet. Epic’s strength couldn’t push the blade anymore.::
::Fpooned pulled the blade from his hands and threw it into the air, when it came down, he grabbed the hilt with his feet and swung it across Epics face, cutting into his eyes.::
::Epic dropped to his knees, holding his bleeding face and screaming in pain. Then fpooned lifted the blade and cut one of his wrist chains and grabbed the sword. He then proceeded to cut all the chains of everyone else. The 6 of them stood there, looking down at Epictales.::
“Shame really. . .” ::Grimno spoke::
“I”LL KILL YOU ALL!” ::Epic started screaming::
“Peace be with you. . .” ::Fpooned spoke and pierced the blade through Epic’s head. Killing him. Tuxedo refused to watch. Fpooned removed the blade and Epic’s body slumped over onto the ground. A thick puddle of blood was already beginning to form.::
“Right. Lets get going.”
::Grimno and the others grabbed their weapens from the tables, as Fenrir was talking to the two others.::
“So, who are you guys?”
:ne pointed to himself and spoke in a low tone:: “I’m “LifesFurry”, and I’m Emo. . . . . “
“Yeeeaaahhhh. . . ” ::Takes the knife from LifesFurry:: “Maybe your buddy here should use this. And your name?”
“I’m “KakashiLover”! NICE TO MEET YOU!”
::Fenrir whispered to Fpooned:: “We got an Emo, and a Naruto Fan. . . .”
::Fpooned whispered back:: “Could be worst. . .”
::KakashiLover looked at Fenrir:: “By the way. Can I have some Mesos!?”
::Fpooned answered quickly:: “Nevermind. . . .”
::Grimno turned around, sporting an MG32.:: “Alright! Our mission is to get out of this place. Now, we are currently in the main cloning chamber, which means we gotta head through that door.” :oints to a door:: “Go south, through the cafeteria, through another hallway, past the security room, and into the lobby where we’ll head out.”
“It ain’t gonna be easy. . .” ::Tuxedo said::
::Grimno laughed:: “When was it EVER easy?”
“Point taken. . .”
::The 6 of them headed to the door, that would take them into the fight.::
Sour Ludibrium -Formally G.C.A. Kitchen- 3:56 PM-
::Anni stood there at the sink, washing dishes, and grumbling to herself. Oh sure, those clones gave her a cybernetic hand AND released her from the G.C.A. Jail, but now shes their chore women. . . . .::
“Stupid clones, stupid dishes, stupid Grimno, stupid Dest1, stupid scrubbing, stupid crusty marks. . . .”
“Shut up in there women!” ::The Sour Guard spoke::
“MAKE ME YA LAZY BUM!” ::Continued Grumbling::
::The door opened and the guard came in:: “What was that?”
::Anni looked at him with a smile:: “I called you a lazy bum. . .then I got to work. . .”
::The guard frowned and grabbed her by neck:: “I don’t like your attitude.”
“I don’t like your smell.”
“Hehehe. . .good one. But you hurt my feelings. How will you ever make up for this?” ::Rubs Anni’s leg. . .::
::When the guard looked up into Anni’s eyes, he saw the vision of utmost rage looking back at him::
“Oh no. . . ‘
::A moment passed and the guard layed sprawled on the ground, bleeding and with multiple skull fractures from the number of times Anni slammed a cooking pot over his head::
::She tossed the pot asideand got an idea. . .::
::Anni now walked down the hall, wearing the slightly oversized S.C.A. uniform. One of the Sour Clones passed her. He grunted a “hello” and Anni gunted one back.::
“They may be vicious but they sure are dumb. . . .”
::She headed toward one of the remaining emergancy boats and “borrowed” it. She had to get back to N.U.T.::
~G.C.A Cloning Facility~
::Izaac came back into the cloning chamber only to find Epic’s corpse. Anger swelled inside him. And he screamed into his radio::
“ALL FORCES! Our “Guests” have escaped! Find them and KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL! I’m heading up to Ludi to activate our special “weapon”. Grimno never wanted to use it, but today he will see our POWER!”
::He slammed the radio onto the cement floor and it busted into pieces.::
“I will have your head on a plate Grimno. . . mark my words. . .”
::Turning, he headed toward the exit::
~End of Chapter 10~
Next Chapter (Sour Legos)
YAY! Another Chapter done! I was “feeling” it this time.
Tommarow I’ll have chapter 11 out! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!
Too bad about Epics. . . originally I was gonna have Fpooned, Tux, and Epic get turned “sour”, but then I thought. “I got a Better idea!”
Hope you enjoyed it and the pictures!
~Grimno (I
I told ya!
I’m not sure what is more priceless; the pictures, or the story.
. . .
Yep, the story.
LOLOL! I loved how everyone was harassing EpicTales.
You’re stories are just so mysterious, so actiony, so funny! It’s a perfect combination of them all!
It’s the perfect sammich.
Thank you for the welcome! =3
*pokes the smore* Isitdoneyet?
awesome writing and chapter!
Gyahahahahaha, that clone is funny. XD
I got stabbed in the hip

and yet i can’t watch the person who stabbed me
And btw, they could never EVA take Ragnarok =D
We are way too 1337 for them
Make an ME wall and they all die ^^
And i didn’t get to insult Epic
Hahaha, you perv
*Hi-5*s Grimno. Oh priceless. Awesome.
But there’s a number discreprency (always have to find a fault don’t I?)
In the Grimno + Prisoners scene, you named the four mercs and three unidentified players.
But at the end of that scene you only introduce two of them and leave the third one out, saying the SIX of them left, even though you started with eight in the room at the beginning.
[Edit] I want an Xbox360 too! When Halo 3 comes out,
Drat. Your right!