Corporal Veggie’s footsteps seemed to echo as he ran, in a panic, through the forest north of Ellenia, the sounds of the enemy blarred in his ears behind him and drowned out the sound of leaves being crushed beneath his boots.
The mission was fubar. It had been when they touched town on Victoria Island with Liutenent Nezzy, who Veggie had lost contact with not long into the mission. They were to land in Ellenia, head north toward Perion, then south into the Dungeon, the one place the Newbs would never go. In there, they were to link up with an underground faction of soldiers and establish a forward base of operations.
However, they never expected to encounter such heavy resistance in the northern area, as Grimno’s Artillary diversion was suppose to have attracted the enemy’s attention down toward Henesys.
Veggie ran. He kept running even though his legs felt like jello and ached like hell. As he neared one of the larger trees, he was forced to jump back as a Magic Bolt slammed into it, sizzling and charring the bark. Spinning around he saw a team of Lvl 10 Magicians nearing him, jumping from tree branch to tree branch.
Raising his silenced SMG, he fired a quich burst that caught one of the newbs off guard. The shot hit him in his throat, a 256 appeared above him, and the newb recoiled back into a tree, and onto the ground which was followed by a tombstone landing at where he died.
“Guys never quit.” Veggie heaved before running again
But as Veggie turned to run, he slammed right into an Ellenia Slime which hardly hurt him, but knocked him back.
“Stupid slimes! Always in the–
But Veggie’s words were cut off as a Magic Bolt slammed into his back, his gun flew from his hands and he landed on his belly, on the ground. Turning over he saw a lvl 11 Newb standing over him with a smile. Reaching down, the newb picked up the SMG and pointed it at Veggie who now was in a cold sweat. The SMG was pressed up against his forehead.
A shot echoed throughout the forest. . .
-3 Months Earlier-
The war between G.C.A. and N.U.T. started in January, near the start of the month and fresh into the new year.
Advertising for the MMORPG MapleStory popped up in newer locations. On, on the back of Newspapers. Soon, more and more people across the globe began to play the 2-D platformer.
The few worlds that the game had, like Scania, Windia, and Broa soon found themselves with more players, and the “Overpopulated” sign was becomming more common.
Scania was the worst. Already overpopulated, more players joined it, more Newbs appeared.
Then, with so many newbs being placed among higher ranked players, clashes began to pop up everywhere.
Newbs claimed to have “Main” characters who could KS others.
Racism and Sexism also broke out in the game.
KS wars were now a competitive sport.
Then it happened. . .
Unknowing to others, a newb, a lvl 18 to be exact, managed to buy a BlackSack.
Heading to Ludibrium, the newb unleashed the BlackSack’s Balrog in Eos Tower’s 101st floor, in Channel 1.
Instantly, the room was cleared of players, with around 38 dead.
The higher levels were outraged by this event, claiming the newbs are just being “@ssholes”.
The Newbs sneered at their comments and claimed that there would be more to come if they were not giving Mesos.
The higher levels refused to their demands, and soon ks wars broke out, and eventually, lead by a newb known to MS as “NarutoPlaya88” the Newbs United Together (N.U.T.) was formed.
Organized attacks occured all over the islands, players used summoning bags on one another, leading to thousands dead, and millions of EXP lost.
To confront the crisis, Windia player Grimno stopped his campaign against hackers, and mass produced a clone army to battle the newbs. This became Grimno’s Clone Army (G.C.A.).
Days passed and volunteer help started popping up on both sides, in what was known as the Maple War.
The newbs were pushed out of Ludibrium and Orbis with the help of a couple local GM’s, and during the final push past the Ellenia-Orbis ship, NarutoPlaya88 was killed by a lvl 76 DragonKnight.
From then on, the border between Victoria Island and Orbis had been designated “The Frontier” and is the only means of going to each area.
Two Months have passed since then, and the leader of G.C.A., Grimno, readied his troops for a plan to defeat N.U.T. once and for all. . .
(Ok. Chapter one complete. It came out slightly better than expected since I usually can’t write stories. I seriosully hope people like it. I want to continue this story! Unlike “Lost In Time”. I tired making that. Did horrible. HORRIBLE!)
~GRIMNO (The Eccentric Clay Molding Artist who could possibly write a story)
WOOT! 1 Like so far! Already it’s done way better than my other story.
I should make the posts longer maybe. Get more of a “story” fell with it.
I really like how this was wrote. It was easy to follow and very addicting. The words are like crack, Grimno. Crack. I was off that stuff until this story came out.
But seriously now, it was an awesome story and I’m anticipating more.
-Surprised noone has commented that Veggie died in the first episode.-
::spins around with his hand holding his chin::
Or DID he!?
::dum Dum DUMMMMMMM::
Are we sure that it was him that died?
I’ll guess someone from G.C.A. shot the noob just as the noob was about to shoot Veggie
5th like, I love it
WRITE MORE, N000000W U N000BZ0R.
Oh man, this was great.
And, yeah, most newbs must have a “Naruto™” related name or name to their. . .er. . .names.
All hail Maple for doing copyright infringementing!
And, yeah, most newbs must have a “Naruto™” related name or name to their. . .er. . .names.
All hail Maple for doing copyright infringementing!”
Yes! Woohoo Go them and US!
And, yeah, most newbs must have a “Naruto™” related name or name to their. . .er. . .names.
All hail Maple for doing copyright infringementing!”
Yes! Woohoo Go them and US! That was a good story
This is a nice piece of writing. FUBAR I TELL YOU!
-=The Nazgul=-
I smell my own short story coming up, maybe about this, I’m PM you, Grimno.
ROFL. I love the way this was written.
Sweet. If this is Veggie with an SMG, I can’t wait for me with my LMG frag. Your story: awesome.
Lmao are the noobs outnumbering the pros?
What side are lv 4x people on?
Great story, but some unanswered questions,