For starters I would like to appologize for being a day late in posting.
Three more figures have been completed, painted, and pictureized <– (Heh, invented new word I believe. Take THAT Webster!)
I hope you enjoy the pictures of the new MS figures that have been added to my collection, which is now up to 7.
Picture 1- Diagonal View of the Giant TICK
(for those who do not know, Ticks are the little dog-like monsters in the area leading to the Lost Time’s in Ludibrium.)
Picture 2- Side view of Tick
Picture 3- Somewhat cute Front picture of Tick
Picture 4- Horny Mushroom. The technical first monster of “ksing” back in the Henesy’s Hunting ground. After them comes Pigs. Or was it the other way around? o.o
-Edit- After personnaly looking at the Horny Mushroom. I decided that a front shot might not have been the best idea…
Picture 5- Jr. Sentinal! Easiest so far…
Please enjoy them!
P.S.- I have been assigned again the project where each individual in my class must create a large object within two weeks.
This project is where I made Zakum, and currently I have no clue what to make.
So its gonna be a vote. If you want to, vote for which monster YOU think I should make next.
The voting will last till Sunday at 6-PM (EST) and the Monster with the MOST votes wins and will be created as best as I can! Doesn’t matter which one it is, could be Doom Flounder, or even Papulatus, possibly even Crimson Balrog.
Name it, Vote it, Make it.
I vote for-
Barlog .
Nice clayas (that’s a new word too~PWN WEBSTER!). I vote for Papalatus Clock in which Papalatus is detached so you can take him out and fly him around like a super hero.
I vote for Ergoth! =D
Wait that’s gonna be hard to do with all those bones and tattered clothes
Horntail then! xD
Lol, nice ones.
do a drake or a kargo; not too hard and kewl
~Genius unrealized by the community
ID say kargo as well, its cool and its not that complicated
nice figures too
i say that u should do balrog
its gonna look more cooler
if u cant get it to stand then make a pap with detachable 2nd body
God these are good. See if you can do something more complicated like a BALROG! lol
-=The Nazgul=-
the tock(or tick0 is so cute. lol except looks a little like a car.
Do Ergoth! If you can’t do that, then Pianus or Crimson Balrog are both nice
Pap or Horntail.
And I love the clay figures!
Cool! Are you the one that makes the clay figures?
No he makes mudpies that miraculously appear to be Maple sculptures. Who do you think he is?! o.o
Dang, you’re awesome!
You should make a Dark Drake, ^^
make me!