Grimno’s Bored, Believe it.

Well, I’ve gotten bored with MMO’s.
I mean like

Here’s me on MapleStory

“Shazzam. . . another day, another %.”

I mean, I had fun on Halloween, you know, passing out candy to “trick-or-treaters”.
Some were like “CANDY AND MESOS PL0X”
I was like “Only candy.”
And I gave out gummies, smores, lollipops, waffles.
Cept for when that one guy caught fire.

Then I went to Audition
Schooled some guys here, schooled some guys there, here a school, there a school, everybody got schooled.
Ol McGrimno schooled some guys, E-I-E-I-O

Speaking of “Mc”, there was a blooper on “ATTACK OF THE SHOW” when one of the hosts said “Mc” (Like McDonalds) instead of “M.C.” so it was “McHammer”
And Kevin (the other host) started laughing and saying
“McHammer? What is that Ronald McDonald in the 80’s and wearing parachute pants?”
Then he started dancing like M.C. Hammer and saying
“Uh-oh, uh-oh, here’s your happy meal!”

Then Perfect World. .
I’m lvl 24.
A lvl 30 Blue Flying Sword which Flies and I can Ride is sitting in my invy.
I mean yeah it looks uberish. . . but gaining 6 lvls?
Talk about bothersome!
I’ll get around to that.

What else what else what ELSE?!

Oh. I played TIMESHIFT for the Xbox360.
Beat it already on “Skilled” difficulty. (Normal)
It was funny.

~stops time and snipes each one in the head~
Me- “2. . .1. . .”
~time resumes and all 4 drop while a random 5th guy starts freaking out~

Plus I enjoy the sense it makes with “Time-Stop” and a flamethrower.
Based on what I did, the soldiers were shooting, then 3 of them mysteriosuly burst into flames.

Reverse-Time does have its uses

~rewinds and the grenade shoots off my head, then I side-step it when time goes back to normal~

But Multiplayer is hectic. You can’t use “TimeShift” powers for the whole map, but you can use em as GRENADES!
One guy went behind a dumpster so I threw a “Pause” grenade back there.
It creates a field like the “Bubble Shield” off Halo 3.
Anyone in it, is affected by it. Even the user.
So I went around the dumpster and there was the player, stopped in time. He had fired some rounds cause those were just floating there in front of his gun.
I shot him in the head.
Time resumed and THEN he died.

Reverse time was weird.
I was coming up behind a guy. I popped around a corner with a shotgun, then next thing I know, I shoot backwards BACK around the corner and am previosuly standing where I was before I went around the corner. Cept this time the guy followed. He went AROUND the bubble and shot me on the spot I stopped rewinding to. . .

What else.
OH! I’m playing that
“NARUTO- Rise of the Ninja” game that came out as well.
It’s hella-fun.

I was all in those enemy bandits face.
I said
“Oh, you got shurikens. Well, S3XY JUTSUI”
Then they got all “!!!” and couldn’t preform jutsuis.

The Jutsuis (The attack ones) all have a way to get out of them

Let’s take Naruto’s Shadow Clone attack.

When he uses it, the player hits a button combination
And the opponent sees it as well.
Now, during the attack, when the button lights up, both players/comps try to hit it first.
If the attacker gets it, awesome. More damage, and onto the next button you picked.
If the defender gets it, he stops that particular part of the attack.

If the attacked gets em all, then he does a super-finisher for massive damage.
If the defender gets em all, then the defender takes 0 damage, and the attacker just wasted Chakra.

Then I took it online.
My GOD the battles are intense.
I always play Rock Lee!

*cries and holds up fist* THE POWER OF YOUTH!

I played against someone playing Negi.
Oh ho ho ho ho ho. . .

It was a pretty even bought. He won his fair share, I won mine.
Then I started winning em all against him.
End score

Grimno- 6
That Guy- 3

One match, me and him were using substitution moves to get behind each other.
But Rock Lee be FAST
First your like “There he is!”
He Gone!

Well, during one battle, he used that “Claw” move where he hits chakra points.
For THAT move, it went into first person of Negi, and one my screen I was looking at my character.
What HE had to do- Hit the chakra points on my body.
What I had to do- Move the analoge stick to move my character and try to make him miss the points.
I wasn’t moving around, it was the whole “bend to the side, bend back, bend right.”
stuff like that.
He hit 4 of the 7 points and then he did that whole
“2 claw, 14 claw, 28 claw~~~~

Lee was hurt. But then I did “MY” move.

Lee was shooting all over the place and I totally “pwned” him.

Twas fun.
Twas fun.

Anyways, I’m gonna go bend stuff and grow my beard out cause I be manly.

*bends a hanger*


And MasterCheeze.

Please see

Then respond to that.
Then I shall respond to your reponse with this

Please see

But then get mad,
and we shall fight

Please see

But I shall be victorious cause I chainsaw you.

Please see

But since I murdered you with a chainsaw, they’ll come after me.

Please see

And while this is happening, Dest1 will be singing

Please see

And then for some unknown reason, everyone splits into 2 teams and goes to war.

Please see

~Grimno (I’m gonna hit the submit button now. BELIEVE IT)

5 thoughts on “Grimno’s Bored, Believe it.”

  1. I was gonna say “hey” to your compliment of AOTS, but then you went off into a Naruto-fit.

    And, btw, I’ll watch dat video later. Mah speakers are on the fritz, and iz midnight o’ thirty o’clock time. 😮

  2. *Twitches at YouTube Video!*

    Grimno, no more, I almost suficated laughing at the car scene. *Shakes head.*
    And, the video keeps stoping on me, so I can’t watch the whole thing. T.T
    *Cries!* ^_^

    FELLOW NARUTARD! I completely OWNED “Naruto: Ultiment Ninja Heroes,” for the PSP! ^O^
    OWNED IT TO DEATH! My brother shrivels in a coner, seeing as I have a win streak of. . . What was it? 37. Hm. . . ^_^”

    – Little preaher man.

  3. You relize this is just a clip of a much larger video.

    If anyone wants to see the whole things go to google, type in AMV Hell and click the 2nd choice from the top.
    Watch AMV Hell 3 and 4.
    Cause 0, 1 and 2 suck
    I’ve never watched em but that’s what people say.
    This clip is from part 4

    The awesome thing about the 360 version.
    The ENTIRE Hidden Leaf Village is up for exploring!
    I was like “Here I am at the main gates. . .”
    ~Ninja Sprint~
    ~Jumps onto building, jumps onto another building, dashes up wall, lands on a water tower, continues~

    And the tree action sequences!
    Like from tree branch to tree branch jump.

  4. lawls >___> Your day always seeems waaaaaay more eventful than mine. . .

    *is bored of maple, * no one listens to me anymore ;~;

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