Well, on MapleStory.
Well, you guys know of that “MapleStory Card Game”?
Well, although it’ll probably ruin the game.
It does have 1 good thing.
Code Cards
Everypack they say will probably carry at least one.
Well, on MapleStory, you go to CashShop, click “CODE” on the bottom, and enter the code on the code card.
What will you get?
Could be a pet.
Could be an article of clothing.
It could even be a special quest.
Well, my friend who worked at GameStop gave me today, a Promo Card.
Which is a Code Card.
I went onto MapleStory, entered the code.
I got this CS item that doesn’t expire!
I’m sure some of you also have this.
So far I’ve seen 2 others with them.
But their’s are GREEN.
Mines RED!
Also, the text reads
“Maple Champion does 8000 Damage”
So my pwnage is like the plot of Scarface!
Yeah yeah.
Moving on.
I’ve got some great news for everyone.
I’ve figured out a master plan to take out “him”
You know. The “C” man.
*wink wink*
Yeah. . .
It’s brilliant and evil and perfect.
I need more to talk about.
*Looks around”
Hmmmmm. . .
Inner Grimno- “Why don’t you pop a joke to Chi?”
Grimno- “That’s BRILLIANT! Hey Chi!”
Chi- “Nyah?”
Dest1- *walking by and talking to Ganzicus* “And that’s when I noticed someone had tampered with the D.N.A. Evidence”
Grimno- “I got a joke for ya Chi”
Chi- “Nyah. . . Chi hope joke is funny, or Chi break Sensei’s shins.”
Grimno- “Don’t worry, it’s funny. Alright. What do you call a Cheese, that’s not yours?”
Chi- “Uh. . . uh. . . .”
MasterCheeze- *walks by and is talking to Jesus* “And that’s when I tampered with the D.N.A. Evidence”
Chi- “Chi give up. . .”
Grimno- “NACHO CHEESE! Hahahahahah”
Grimno- *in bed and talking to ShiningWings* “And that’s when she broke my shins.”
ShiningWings- “Uh-huh. . .”
Grimno- “Yep.”
ShiningWings- “Do you like cloth?”
Grimno- “Wha?”
Dest1- *sighs* “D.N.A., evidence. . .”
G.C.A. Captain- “Ok, so you parked the tank, and now you lost it.”
G.C.A. Soldier- “Yep.”
G.C.A. Captain- “You f***ing retard. . .”
S.C.A. Soldier- “Ah sweet, a Tank”
Announcer- “Fpooned has killed many, been undetected on missions, and could strangle a man with a piece of string cheese. But can he see why Kids love cinnamon toast crunch?”
Fpooned- “Cause it’s got battlescars that show the knowledge of battle?”
Announcer- “Wrong! It’s cause it’s got cinnamon swirls in every bite! “
Fpooned- *picks up a piece of string cheese and starts walking toward the announcer*
MasterCheeze- “So we attack Captain on the night of the full moon?”
Fenrir- “I wanna make da babies”
Axiom- O.O
Aliyah- O.O
Waffle- (dam that’s hot. . .)
Captain- *sneezes*
Grimno- *signs blog and hits submit* Another day, another, random, thing. . . Randomness. Ftw.
~Grimno (Jitterbug)
*Goes to get a code*
Yah, I have a green one.
Darn, I want a Maplecard.
Not like I’d be able to play Maplestory, anyway.
Dude, you should get a buncha cards and we can duel. But, that’s if I’m dork enough to get cards myself. >.>
I just bought one, but the code got me a stinking zeta transformation bon bon.
Dang those target stores.
(Oh, on closer observation, it can be used forever). So I guess it isn’t too bad. :0
Gee, thanks. >>;;
Why did you snap his bones? D:
It’s cruel. . .
It’s cruel. . .”
It’s cruel. . .”
*points at joo.*
But he didn’t do anything to you. . . o_o
It’s cruel. . .”
*points at joo.*
But he didn’t do anything to you. . . o_o”
It’s implied. x.o
Er. . . right. . . *walks slowly away*
Scat you loiterers!
Yeah, you do 8000 damage, which isn’t half bad,
But can you do OVER 9000 DAMAGE?!
Wow. O.O
That was so random. x) Congrats on the Red card ^^
*Stuttering* Darkie, a zeta transform T-THAT LASTS FOREVER? *Is jealous*
Congratz on your card thingy
i hate how nexon made those ridiculously awesome items so easy to get
they should make them like a 95% chance, at least
I hate you.
lawl =O
what is it? o.O
i dun understand why everyones all “-secretly wants to kill grimno and steal his stuff-“
whats it for?