Its Tuesday.
Normally I’d have had school today but I had an allergic reaction to some sour milk I drank. . .
So this morning WAS NOT FUN!
I mean, how was I suppose to know that milk could go bad a day before the date marked on it?
It said “Sell by May 2nd”. . . .
Well anyways. This weekend is going to be awsome, cause I’m going to my brothers again!
Which means, Gears of War Online, MapleStory, Audition, and anything else I can think of!
So yes. If anyone plays audition, look me up! I’m Rupert on it, and I’m by far the only guy in that game who wears Purple Pants. . .
If you play MapleStory, look me up in Windia! I’m one of the few people with a Blue Ponytail.
If you play Xbox Live on the 360, look me up, send a chat invite or something. My GamerTag is Grimno (Who’d have thunk it?) If you play Gears of War online. I WANNA PLAY AGAINST YOU! Grrrr. . .
Moving on, my mom is out of state. And had been since Friday, but is coming back tommarow. So its been a fun “freedom week”. Of course that menas that after I’m done on the internet, I’ve got to get to work. . .
Gotta clean the litterbox, vaccum the basement, do the dishes, put away the dishes, empty the big trash, empty the little trashes, feed the cats, feed myself, and some other stuff. . .
And now for a quick side-note.
If your going to buy BattleStations Midway, don’t.
It sucks.
Really bad.
Don’t buy.
Seriosully. . .
And now the MMOtales Gaming part.
In one of the threads, I spoke about how I named some of the A.I. in the game “Conker: Live and Reloaded” and played against them (the A.I.) in some rounds.
Well, I decided to name all the A.I. after people I know in MMOtales.
It was fun!
One stage, which was designed like this–
2 bases, seperated by a deep gorge (instant death if you fall in) and is connected by two suspended trolleys.
— was played alot by me.
Heres a few things that happened.
Sirsolo got sniped by MasterCheeze, blowing off half of Sirsolo’s head. . .
EpicTales messed up with the rocket launcher and blew himself up.
Fpooned fell off into the gorge. . .
I killed Grimno with the machine gun
TuxedoHobo sniped Fenrir
Anni blew my character up once. . .
And there was alot more senseless killing. . .
We then tried another stage. Which was pretty much designed like that last stage, cept it was snowy, future teched, and it was connected by a long bridge.
Well . . .
(I just relized. . .I should replace Sirsolo with AliyahRoyal . . )
Anni got a tank and ran down Epictales and Pirkid but then got blown up by Fpooned
I shot down Dest1 who was piloting an aircraft
Darkness mounted a turret and started firing but got sniped by Nezzy who I then blew up with the grenade launcher. . .
Fenrir killed me with a missle. . .
SilverFx ran in all gun-ho style, took out Nezzy and Anni, but then accidentally got sniped by me. . . cause he/she ran in front of my sniper shot. . .
Another one was just a large circle arena. Of course, noone was using the ground, since I made EVERYONE Sky Jockeys (They fly stuff).
Well, the sky was dotted with ships shooting each other and it was MAYHAM! Missles flying here, bullets whizzing there.
I was so busy trying to stay alive I didn’t count the kill ratio!
Yep. It was so much fun. Then I did one last level.
All it is is one long hallway. Turned the A.I. to Einstein Level, and made them all Grunt class. . .
I couldn’t even keep count of the kill ratio cause it kept going up! All I do know is I died alot, cause on Einstein level. It takes them 5 shots to kill you, when it takes 25 to kill them.
Well. Now its the end of this blog.
OH WAIT! Two Updates!
1- Maple Clay
This week I ain’t making anything MapleStory related. However, I am making an assortment of clay Muffins. . .
Next week I’ll make something. Idk what yet though. . .
2- Maple War Story
I know I haven’t put out chapter 11 like I said I would. . . but I haven’t had the time to come up with the chapter yet! I’ve been busy. . .being hot. CAUSE MOTHER DIDN”T TELL ME HOW TO WORK THE STUPID AIR CONDITIONER!
D :<
I’ll try to get it up, Thursday. . . or Friday. . .idk yet.
And MasterCheeze, if your reading this. . .
Find me in Windia. I’ll be up past Midnight Friday, Pqing in Orbis.
I WANNA DO AN ORBIS PQ WITH YOU! Cause I wanna see just how good you are in a Papa Pixie Fight. . .
~Grimno (o.O)
P.S.- I got Game! I will totally own anyone in Audtion or Gears of War.
P.S.S.- The last P.S. “Isn’t” an attempt to get people to be all like “Man, I can beat you! I’m totally gonna play against Grimmy!”. Cause that’d be cruel, and theres no way *wink* I’d do that *wink wink*.
Picture 1 – I found this while searching “The Google”
Lol. That King pops up in any situation!
Lolz. I sniped sirsolo.
As for the OPQ, I’m only level 50 so yah =/
Bwah! I get to say it! I get to say it!
Happy 100th blog, dangit.
Buhyeah. Too bad I don’t play Maple or I’d come and violence you.
I have an xbox.
I’m getting the 360 elite soon (It loooks sooo sexy.)
Gamertag- Drunkdaddy
GoW rox my pants!
Anyway, that sounds just like what I’d do. Run in front of someone’s gun and get myself killed. ^^;
(I just relized. . .I should replace Sirsolo with AliyahRoyal . . )
Pfft! As if I’d get my head sniped off by James. x)
I got run over.
Hey, you know what, thanks for the BattleStations Midway advice, I was thinking of getting it.
Audition, what level?
You know what.
I named the bots in CS after MMOer’s. How fun was it, don’t ask, I will burst from explanation.
(I just relized. . .I should replace Sirsolo with AliyahRoyal . . )”
Pfft! As if I’d get my head sniped off by James. x)
yay 100blogs again!
Woopde doo
~LaZzz. . .
Missiles make me horny for some reason. 0_0
What about me D:
Lol, Wish I had a 360, or Xbox Live. If I did I’d wanna pwn- I mean ‘duel’ you in Lockout Slayer XD
anyone would have an allergic reaction to some sour milk. o.o

I mean. I love playing with A.I. MMO people.
I was playing Jade Empire and –
After the point where your character (a spirit monk) dies, I was in the underworld.
I HAD to pop this Cheezy joke. FRICK! Now I’m spelling it with a Z! Its Cheesy! O.O
I said “I know I’m a Spirit Monk, but this is ridiculous!”
Grimno from profil3, SMALL PEOPLE RULE!
:: kicks ::