Edit- This WAS the 100th blog, until I deleted some old blogs that I hated.
WOOHOO! IT’S MY 100th BLOG! The Big 1 DOUBLE-0! How many people can say THAT!?
Firstly, I’d like to thank those out there in MMOtales who’ve supported me through the months of work, to keep me feeling wanted…and someones calling. One sec. He hung up yet hes calling again… ::clicks “Take Message”::. Ah, neighbor’s son wants to get picked up to get taken down to the bus stop tommarow…ok. Anyways, back on subject. I thank EVERYONE out there. I thank LeifGreen, Fpooned, Waffles, Fenrir, MasterCheeze, Annikabelle, Alyah, Ganzicus, Dest1, Lazydame, MikuniZer0,Oblivion, SilverFX, BlackNazgul, BlessingPie, Saphira, Pirkid, Gujju, Wsxedrcr08, ViceLlin, Guosim, Renome, NighShade72 (Nighshade is a plant on Oblivion!) Wyna, Indescane, Repty, and EVERYONE else out there in MMOtales! (I’d thank ya more if you clicked “Like” for this blog. Muhahaha)
Down to BRASS TACKS. After weeks or hard work, mind numbing pacing, and constant Clay Updates. THE FIRST BATCH OF PHOTOS HAVE ARRIVED! Today, I got home, ate dinner. (Jamballia), had Marty-Grah king cake (Inside the cake is a little tooth, whoever gets the tooth has to make next years cake. I had to make this years one since last year, I got the toy….), painted the 5 sculptures, and now posting this blog!
Some people don’t understand them. My Mom’s friend looked at Mushmom, the tiny mushroom, and Zombie mushroom and this happened.
Him- Do you know what those look like?
Mom- What?
Him- Pen!ses (I appologize for verbal use)
Just for a note. A master painter I am NOT
Photo 1- Attacking MushMom! By far the most..unpleasing of the bunch.
Photo 2- Me holding the tree stump. The red around the eyes got a little…big. (Read note a few lines up…)
Photo 3- Zombie Mushroom! Came out pretty good. And the added “Lighting” we had makes it look sp00ky. o.o
Photo 4- Slime! Newbs rejoice at this little piece!
Photo 5- The tiny mushroom (a.k.a. Retarded Shroom). This little fella came out the best. And looks almost exactly like it does on MapleStory.
I hope everyone enjoys the picks. And I hope noone picks out the flaws of them and starts posting nasty comments. Cause then I’d be sad
Now, another piece of buisness. Zakum, Jr. Sentinal, and Horny Mushroom are being fired. BUT HERES SOMETHING ELSE. ALSO BEING KILNED IS A LARGE SIZE REPLICA OF A “Tick”. Or is it “Tock”? You know, those little puppy-dog monsters under Ludibrium. Its about 3/4 foot long and 1/4 foot high. Its adorable!
Now I will post this, and off I go to the Forum “Three-Word-Story”. Yay.
~Grimno (MMOtale’s Eccentric Clay Molder)
WOOT! At last! And they’re awesome
(( -section of comment deleted due to obseleteness- ))
Your in the thanks. Your after Alyah, and before Dest1. Toward the right side.
But There is no Dest1
Oh, Grimno. Your hard work payed off with good figures and your 100th blog. Thanks for including me in it. Gratz on all you accomplished.
P.S. I’d like a peice of cake too >.>
I love the shroom. (Re’tarded Shroom, LAWL.)
I think I should do some Maple Story clay stuff, since I’m pretty good at sculpting.
Thanks for the inspiration!
And congratulations on your 100th blog.
I want a thanks. *shniffle*
Meh, oh well. You don’t even know who I am, xD!
K. I’ll edit ya in.
Forgot me in there lol. Congrats dude. I need 100 blogs.
-=The Nazgul=-
lol cool. Took a while eh?
By the way. What are you going to do with them now?
Yay! I get a thanks!
Oh and, you spelled Aliyah wrong.
Can’t wait to see your other sculptures.
Congrats on the clay stuff! And on your 100th blog. I haven’t even gotten there yet. XD
K, now Oblivion, BlackNazgul and SilverFx are in the thank-you thing as well. Technically everyone is when I said “EVERYONE else out there in MMOtales.” But if you leave a message, I’d be able to personnally add it. Yay.
Here I am with my 2nd blog and this guy got 100 o_O how does that work?
Anyways, Congratulation =O
Awesome clay molding too O.O
Oh yeah *clicks I like button*
Yay, the pictures are finally here! Annd, they’re really good, too! Hope I don’t miss the next batch due to my erratic MMOT blog watching. o_O;;
(My other comment didn’t work. 3; Hopefully, this one will. *Copies just in case*)
[Edit: Anyone else notice that the slime looks goth?]
im new to this site and im in the thx
wow stellar!
nice sculptures (they should go in a museum)
seriously tho they are awesome!
I love the shroom.
So cute.
Good work!