Wake me up when SA2 ends

Boring, boring, boring, boring… *Goes on for over a decade* Boring day. Yep. Same old thing. Exams, exams and more exams. Wonder if teachers are teaching drunks. O_o. Anyway, I leveledto 26 on my mage =)). 2 lvls on one day! I than ks some EliteOfMAR people and they ended up runing away. O_o. Nice KS war there. I levled =0. Anyway, hope you guys heard of Wake me up when september ends. Hope you did.

The fun have come and passed,
The students can never last,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Like the exams come to pass,
4/5 year have pass so fast.
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Here comes the exams again,
Falling from the teacher’s hands,
Drenched in the problems again,
Becoming a nerd again.

As the blanks are left blank,
I had already lost 10 marks,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

The fun have come and passed,
The students can never last,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Ring the exam bells again,
Like the teachers did when exams began,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Here comes the exams again,
Falling from the teacher’s hands,
Drenched in the problems again,
becoming a nerd again.

As the blanks are left blank,
I had already lost 10 marks,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

The fun have come and passed,
The students can never last,
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Like the exams came to pass,
4/5 year have passed so fast.
Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Wake me up when SA2 ends.

Well, there’s the one I was talkiig about. See what i mean? .

A video that is incredibly funny. Watch it and give commens =).

8 thoughts on “Wake me up when SA2 ends”

  1. WAHAHAS . Awesome video . It was really funny . The part of the coffee was great . You seem to be a joker XD

  2. Trust me, greenday, the teachers don’t like exams either. It means HEAPS of marking to be done, and imagine having to go through 100+ copies of the same horrible mistakes and crappy answers that you could KILL the students for giving because you SPECIFICALLY taught them how to do these questions in lessons before!

    And you really want to smack the heads of those people who, fifteen minutes into the paper, just give up and go to sleep.

    Yes. I rant, wearing the shoes of a teacher, here.

    Anyway, good luck for your exams!

  3. Good. ‘Cos I messed up my chemistry answers.

    Exams are t3h bad. You get killed by your parents even before you get back results D:

  4. HAHA the video was awesome! i like the part where all the shelves of plates came crashing down! I HEARD that music before but where is it from?

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