Two months compiled into one blog! :D

Well, as I recently looked at my last blog, I realised I posted it almost two months ago. <_< And in this entire time period, a looot of stuff has happened.

First of all, I finally got to level 54. :3 Though, leveling got somewhat tedious at Jr. Yetis. ._. So basically, I’ve been hanging around Henesys redoing the Ace of Hearts quest and training Mango, my Panda. :d This hasn’t been so productive, seeing as how all of my friends have passed me level wise. <___< But, THAT’S OKAY! I’ll catch up… eeeeventually.

I’ve also run into everybodies favorite noobs! One was a Fighter who just.. well, the screenies will explain it more. ._. The others were the typical, “MERRY ME” and “GIME MEZO OR I BAN U CUZ I GM NUB” types of people. Well, I guess they put some entertainment into my day. :/

That NX feeling is starting to bother me. Annie, my ever so awesome friend who just happened to get me addicted to NX, got a new outfit recently (Which looks hawt on her by the way. ;x). So I went into the CS, and bam found an outfit I wanted. :/ Well, my NX expires the 17th of March, and the 30th of March. I guess I still have some time before I need to get more, buuuut.~ If I keep doing so bad in all of my classes, I probably won’t be getting NX anytime soon. >__> I mean, it’s not like it’s bad, bad. But I have a D in Gym. HOW DO YOU GET A D IN GYM!?!? ._. I think it’s ’cause my teacher is a pedo that loves guys. Like, this one day this guy said, “Women are meant to cook and clean which is why men are stronger.” AND THE GYM TEACHER GOES, “Well… as much as I love men, that is completely stupid, Ramiro.” ;___; Okay, moving away from the rant.

OH. I also made a new guild with my good ol’ buddy, Jimmy. (: If you are in Scania, use grammar, and wanna join an active guild, find me plis. :X The guild name is SecretRumor, and the logo is a pink bunny on a green background. So far the guild has turned out really well, and we have eight members. Everyone is really nice and fun so yeah. :] Plus, just incase you have some creepy people on your buddy list, like someone I know.. (I mean, it’s not me of course. Heh..) the guild can help. =)

Well, that’s basically all for now. I’ll post more soon, and try to not have two month intervals of blogs. <_< So, have a good Saturday everyone~ :3

– Nikki

1. I was spamming the lyrics of Ms. New Booty in guild, and Jimmy decided to make a mega.
2. The Fighter I was talking about, begging for money. :d
3. The Fighter once again, bragging about his level 250 DK, later on he claimed that I was talking to the DK.
4. His real level.
5. A snowman on fire. :3

Ps. I loveee GMs.

[While uploading the pictures a bird hit my window. o___o;]

11 thoughts on “Two months compiled into one blog! :D”

  1. Ha ha. My gym teacher is a “sexist pig” as some people call him. He favors those stupid soccer jocks over everyone else. No offense about the soccer thing. Soccer’s okay.

    Grats on your level! I’m level 54 too.

  2. The gym teacher I had last year was a lady that smelled like man-sweat. I could’ve sword she was on steroids too. . . Her hairy, bulbous arms gave me the heeby-jeebies!


  3. Woah .

    I used to slack too .

    A lot .

    Then my Guild Master forced *coughreadTHREATScough* me to get back into action .


    What a way to spend two months!


  4. WOW I know people lie about their “main account” but level 250 is WAY overdone!

    -=The Nazgul=-

  5. LOL, Nikki. *cough@guild* Ha, hahah, ha. O_O; 😡 Anyway,YAY FOR NX~~~~! <3 XDDD Omgomg and congrats on getting to lvl 55. <333

    Lub forever and ever,
    Annieee <3

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