Hitting the big 50 <3

First of all, how long has it been since I’ve updated? D: Like, three months? XD Well, yeah, I’ve actually made some accomplishments recently though. 83

Anyways, I’M FINALLY LEVEL 50 -spazzes and passes out- :3 After like, five months of leveling, quitting, leveling more, quitting, boredom, and leveling more, I’m only half way to level 100, and 20 levels away from third job. D Which for me, is a big accomplishment seeing as how I level once every like, two years. =___=; I actually plan on getting to 51 before break is over. :1 Which sounds like a drastic goal, but I wanna go level at Grupins. >_< Hopefully by the time I’m 55, the hackers will all be gone. @__@ (Dang, I am using a lot of smilies in this blog.. )

So, now I am probably dead since I’ve been afking in the Jr. Yeti map for like, 30 minutes. ._> I’ll probably put up some pictures later, now I’m probably going to get some hot chocolate and play harvest moon. x3

How was everyones day, by the way? :33

~ Nicole <3

6 thoughts on “Hitting the big 50 <3”

  1. F/P, eh? I’m pretty sure the hackers will be gone after the holiday season for the most part.

    *groans to self* Lorang Lorang Lorang is the new hacker central . . .

  2. Grats!
    1. Grupins? Don’t count on it. I think you’d have to be at least lvl55 to train there efficiently. Grupins have 4200hp so its not use to fight there unless your minimum damage is around 2000. You’d have to stick with jr yetis till then.

    2. Also, brace yourself, cause the option of moving on to white pangs will only be available at 65, considering you have a good EW or Hinomaru, so you’re going to have to stick to grupins for at least 10 levels and you’ll get pretty sick of them.


    Lovelovelovelove <3<3<333333

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