I’ve been playing Maple Story roughly 6 months. I enjoy it and everything, but I wish people would get over Strength Bandits. I get a lot of people telling me I suck for being a strength bandit. I even got defamed twice over the silly little fact that I’m a strength bandit.
So what if a strength bandit is weak? I thought the point of the game was to have fun, not compete over who does the most damage. Unless you have a strength bandit, that’s really not your problem. It’s not like YOU have to use my bandit to attack monsters or do some outrageous quest. It’s not like you have to fund my already underfunded bandit.
So basically, people are all bent outta shape over people who are different? I didn’t like the Luk Daggers so I went Str. Is that really such a crime in Maple Story? I got so sick of it once I almost considered deleting my bandit and starting over. And people seem to hate strength bandits for their daggers being cheaper. So you hate us for having money. Yeah, really mature there, guys. You might as well hate your parents too, they have more money then you in most cases.
And honestly, what’s with every other bandit asking what level the other bandit’s Savage Blow is? It’s gonna be maxxed out eventually, so the whole premise of asking what level someone’s Savage Blow is very silly.
To some of the Maple Story, grow up.
go str bandits! even though i have a luk one
watever, i dont have anything against str bandits, but bandits just got boring for me
Yeah I agree with you GlassRaven, I have a STR bandit and everytime I encounter people, normally level 70+, they say STR bandits suck. Str bandits are awesome, their weapons look a lot better than LUK bandit and a lot cheaper plus, STR bandits are good for unfunded players. Pros that accuse STR bandit for being weak are retards, the concept of the game is to have fun and STR bandits are more fun then LUK in my opinion.
I have a luk bandit, bansin actually, I get harassed when people call me weak and stuff, but you’re SUPPOSED to max savage blow first, bansins have no time for mastery, because they get left in the dust if they don’t have any DoSt
i dont have a bandit but i have NOTHINGG against what job and if its str or luk, ignore all those dumas noobs