Do I Really Love You? Pt1 (Book 4)

I woke up sleeping on a couch in front of the fire. It seemed like I was still in the inn. I quietly got up because someone was sleeping in the chair next to me. I walked over to the window and stared out into the blizzard. I continued to think about my family… friends… and Angela.

“Couldn’t sleep?” the person sleeping in the chair said as he approached me.
“No I just woke up.” I replied
“I see.”
He walked beside me and stared out into the snow blowing everywhere.
“Something troubling you?”
“I just got a lot on my mind.”
“Oh… well the name’s Jeffery, just call me Jeff though.”
“I am Jason.” I said shaking his hand

Jeff went back to the chair and closed his eyes. I continued to think about Angela and how she used that return scroll on me.

Jason stay safe


I had to find her. Who knows what Jeremy is doing to them!

I quietly grabbed my things and walked into the blizzard. I couldn’t see where I was going and I didn’t know what time it was. I was also running out of strength. I collapsed on the white cloud of snow. The last thing I saw before blacking out was a pair of legs in front of me.

I dreamt about the first time I met Angela:
“Hello.” I said
“Hi.” she responded
“My name is Jason what’s yours?”
“I am Angela.” she giggled
“That’s a pretty name.”
“Thank you.” she said blushing
“Jason! Come on its time to go home!” Dad and Mom called

I awoke to a small living room. I found my bag lying beside me. I stood up slowly and reached for my bag. I walked around the room looking at pictures on the wall. There were pictures of a Bowman, some other people, and then I saw a picture of my mom, dad, and me when I was a baby. I stepped back in shock. I then looked to another picture that was taken at my parent’s wedding.

I then felt something under my feet. I lifted the rug from beneath me and saw a door. I opened it and walked down a flight of stairs. I came to a very large, round room. There were cabinets on one side and shelves with potions on the other. A figure then came from behind me and reached for my shoulder. I turned around to punch him but he caught my fist.

“Who are you?” I asked

13 thoughts on “Do I Really Love You? Pt1 (Book 4)”

  1. “Jason, I am your Fatherrrrr, “


    Wooo! First comment! In all your facceeeessss :DDDDDDD

    Write the next chapt ASAP,
    It’s starting to go like the others,

  2. Heh nice i wonder when this veryyy long series is going to end BUT DONT END IT ITS TOO GOOD

  3. wow ur storys are awesome keep writing girl but man but that was a big short

  4. w00t. i love your stories, twists and turns everywhere! Keep ’em coming!

    gujju ♥

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