Do I Really Love You? Pt1 (Book 1)

I am training in the outskirts of Ellinia with my trusty Zard. I decide to head back to the potion shop to rest up and restock.

“Fifty blue and twenty white potions please.” I asked the clerk.
“Okie dokie.” he replied.

Then a wounded Assassin wanders in. At that instant I run to stop her from falling to the floor.

“Get me those I potions i just ordered now!” I demanded as a rested her head in my arms.
“W-wh-who are you?” she asked
“My name is Riku, you are wounded so dont try to get up.”
“Oh i most apreciate it.” She tried to smile but the didnt have the energy to do so.
“Well you know my name, but i haven’t heard yours yet.”
“My name is Jenny, i was coming here from Henesys when a couple of golems wandered from the dungeon path and attacked me.”

At that moment i knew it was destiny that we would meet. As she lied there she gazed into my eyes as if I was her savior. I looked into hers as if she was the answers to all my prayers. The clerk came back with the potions. As i was paying him, she was outside sitting on a bench sipping the white potion.

I thought to myself, “Is there really such a thing as love at first sight?” as I walked outside to find her still sipping the white potion.

“Here, drink this, it will wash down that nasty potion.” I said handing her a bottle of orange juice.
“I really appreciate this you know.” She replied.
I replied only with a “mmmhmm” becuase i was blinded by her beauty.

She had finished with the orange juice and gave me a thousand thanks for helping in her time of need. But i kept thinking to myself “No, thankyou Jenny, for coming into my life.” With the horn of the Orbis ship blowing for it’s 5:30 sail she quickly said “Oh dear, i must go.”

“Wait!” I pleaded.

But, just like that she was gone. As i tried to keep my emotions together I notice that she left something behind. It was her Kumbis.

11 thoughts on “Do I Really Love You? Pt1 (Book 1)”

  1. i read all the stories make a new one but can you give me a secret message about your grammer i could do grammer but i need help im making a blog

  2. nice, KEEP THE KUMBIS! lols, jks, use the kumbis as an excuse to b blinded my her beauty again o_O

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