The Gore Update

On Wednesday my 10 day free trial ran out for WoW. And so I got my subscription today. It was $20 to activate my account and give me 30 days of playing but since I got the full game without having to buy it, it was worth it.

Right now I have a level 12 Night Elf Rouge, a level 6 Tauren Shaman, and a level 3 Gnome Warlock. I can’t remember the names exactly but my Night Elf is on Darutan and my Tauren is on Ammegeon.

The subscription is $15 a month but I think it’s worth it. You are never grinding, which is great for me and it doesn’t need a huge time investment. You don’t need to be playing for 24 hours a day just to have fun with the game.

Since I don’t have a lot of time to play on the weekdays this is the kind of RPG that I needed. The graphics aren’t amazing but that’s fine with me because even my old computer is able to play it.

The Burning Crusade expansion pack is coming out on Monday but I didn’t reserve it. I need to wait until I can get a new computer before I would be able to install it. I really didn’t even have enough RAM to play the regular game.


Regarding console games, I started playing Rainbow Six Vegas a lot more. Before I had just been playing Gears of War, but I really underestimated Vegas. It is a lot of fun, especially online.

Every game you get points and that goes towards your next rank. I’m not too good with military rankings but I’m a First Class Private right now. when you get to a higher rank you get new weapons and armor that you can use to customize your character.

One thing that I didn’t like about Gears of War was the fact that it had only 3 gametypes, and they were quite similar. Warzone was basically sharpshooter or slayer and Execution was the same thing but you needed to go up close and deliver finishing attack to kill your opponent.

Assassination is the same as execution but you have a leader and if he dies, you lose. The person who kills the enemy leader becomes the leader and the losing team gives the position of leader to whoever has the most amount of points.

There were two new maps that came out for Gears, Raven Down and Old Bones. Raven Down is extremely small and has no ‘power weapons’. Old Bones is a larger map and has a sniper and boomshot.

I will still play it though since I need those weapon achievements ><


In a little unrelated news, there is a new Global Mapelstory patch. It is patch .33 and some new stuff came out apparently. I’ve quit Maplestory but I heard that the hackers are gone and there is a NX cash hair quest.

I guess Nexon finally made a big move towards getting rid of those pesky hackers. Too bad it wasn’t against the rules to be an annoying little kid. Although I guess Halo 2 would cease to exist if that was true.

Because of these recent changes I decided to interview a Nexon employee once again–

Me: Hello.

Nexon: Thanks for wanting to interview us again.

Me: You’re lucky you get all of this free publicity because I’m such an uber pwnage kind of guy.

Nexon: Sure…

Me: So, the new patch is out. Took you long enough.

Nexon: Well there was a lot of stuff and things and you know.

Me: About the hackers, what did you do to them?

Nexon: We made it so that anyone with hacks would be shown an alternate list of servers with the same names so that they would think that they were playing the game.

Me: Are there any real players in those worlds?

Nexon: Yes. We also do that to any of those idiots who e-mail us asking if they can be a GM.

Me: Good thinking.

Nexon: That’s what my magic 8-ball said too.

Me: You have a magic 8-ball too?

Nexon: Yeah.

Me: Isn’t it so awesome? You can look into the future with it!

Nexon: I know!

*the remainder of the conversation about magic 8-balls was stripped*

Me: About that NX cash hair quest.

Nexon: Since you are a fellow magic 8-ball user, I’ll let you in on a little secret….We just put that quest in so that people would get stuck with hair styles they really didn’t want in order to make them buy NX cash to fix it.

Me: Brilliant. People will just think that you are helping them.

Nexon: And the best part is that we made the types of hair that was not purchased in the cash shop more likely to be given to you after the quest.

Me: I also saw that Target the dog in Kerning City.

Nexon: Yes, Target will be selling NX cash cards starting January 16th (notice it is also the release date of the Burning Crusade).

Me: Did you think this was really a good decision even though it is much faster to just purchase the cards online?

Nexon: Well some people think it is easier for some strange reason. So here at Nexon, we act first and think later.

Me: I suppose they will make up any reason for why it is easier so they won’t be made fun of for using $20 in gas to get to Target and drive back.

Nexon: That was what we thought too. Seriously.

Me: Well, that’s all I can think of. I’ll be in touch when the next patch is released.

Nexon: See you in 3 months.


Make sure to constantly refresh the front page around Wednesday for the next Gore Update.

5 thoughts on “The Gore Update”

  1. Hah! The NX thing didn’t affect me! Well. . . it did, but I was able to fix it by putting on my hat! That big oriental fury one.

  2. The only mistake Wizet made was that they allowed females a low chance to get Angelica! I mean it was rare, but Angelica is the best/second best hair for females, in most people’s opinions.

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