Hello guys. I haven’t made a blog in a while because
Time for a commercial break…
Hey Maplers!!!
Do you have Maplestory acme???@@@@
Oh you do? Well I can’t help you on that….BUT
Are you tired of those annoying beggars asking for stuff that you have but don’t want to give them??@@@@
Well now for a limited time you can buy ITEM GHOSTER!!!!
With ITEM GHOSTER all you have to do is spray the item and it will duplicate@!!@!@!eleven@@!
*concerned player*- hay but i has question . that agenst the rules . noob .
Because the item isn’t real@!!!!
Just give it to the noob and it will dissapear in 10 to 20 weeks!!
But now with this special blog offer you get get an EXTRA bottle FREE*
Just pay another $10 shipping and handling*
Just call 1800-555-ITEM and get the 1 ounce bottle of ITEM GHOSTER with AN EXTRA BOTTLE FREE*
for ONLY 16 payments of $4.67 with 57 payments of ZERO DOLLARS!!!and 99 cents.
I have been playing Gears of War a lot this week. And yesterday
Time for a commercial break…
Are you TIRED of not getting into the Party Quest!!!
Yes you are!!!
…but now you can buy PARTY QUEST DISTRACTOR@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*player*- is it like a tractor?
Yes, a lot.
All you need to do is double click it and it will spawn an annoying noob!!!!
The noob will annoy everyone and constantly trade everyone.
BUT he will also ignore your party!
how does he know this you ask?
It just picks 4-6 random people and doesn’t ignore them. Hopefully it won’t be another party.
There is only a 4% chance it will happen*!!!
*If there are 60 more people in the area
You can buy this for ONLY $19.99
Now you can cut the price in half by answering a short* survey!
*30 page
The survey only costs $10 in shipping and handling to send to you!!
So call 1800-567-TRACTOR to get one for only 345977 Yen!!!
my internet was down. But now it’s back up obviously. Well
Time for a commercial break…
Do your blogs get no likes or comments?
Is it because you ask how much an item on your server and it is only 1 sentence long?
Well then you deserve it…
BUT now you can get the SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING GEL@!!@!
All you have to do is apply the gel on your computer’s hard drive and then visit link
If you don’t your hard drive will be fine*
*might crash*
*will crash
When you start (click I like) typing your blog it will (click I like) enter hidden messages to your blog
when it is read (you better) they will read them (click it) and at the end of the blog they will be brainwashed
and for a limited time buy the GEL TAKER OFFER
which will remove the gel after you are done!
otherwise your computer will crash so you HAVE TO BUY IT
Get your bottle of SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING GEL with the GEL TAKER OFFER a $1288.68 value for only $1288.67!!!
Call 1800-788-SUBLIM now!!
I will probably make a blog tomorrow because I have some ideas that I still need to write down….
…fine I’ll take off the ads next time.
lol Gears of War? Damn that game is gory >.> my brother plays it. Yup, a 30 yr old dude plays Gears of Wars, not that it’s bad =D
but it’s really gory o.x
One of my friends said he finished the game.
BTW, i think i will take some of that gel! ^^
That gel is genious. I’ll take 5!
Hahaha. That gel was confusing! I’d like to take 10 for my hair.
GoW?!?! Niceeeee!
Lol this iis the first advertisement i’ve seen on mmotales o_o
LOL. . two bottles of Item Ghoster is $141.15 xD
Hahaha I want the Party Quest Distractor xDD
-Puts on Christmas list for next year and starts counting down til Christmas-
Only 359 days to go!
One of my comics had an advertisement for Ramen T_T
will i have an instant rebate of $1288 so the gell will only be 67 cents ?o.0?
“*player*- is it like a tractor?
I giggled a lot at that one. :l
Gear of wars. Xbox 360 right? I just started last week with Dead Rising. The ads were nice and lsightly confusing*.
*Veri confusing XDXD J/K