How would it be
I wonder like jamming ur X button to attack and using O to heal pressing R to do this and that it would be confusing lmao
anyone else have ideas
-_-Alvin aka geekyaznboy-_-
I should have also tried gunbound/survival project it should be cool
Flyff doesnt cause its 3D and it probably destroy ur battery like hell
so basically 3D MMOs aren’t good on a PSP but 2Ds are
PSP? It’s coming to DS, so why wonder? LOL. It’s gonna be weird, that’s all I can say. Not enough buttons to do all the skills and potions and crap like that. It will really suck for mages, but looks like warriors will have it kinda easy (at low levels anyways).
lol i never thought of that
but then what if yu cud attach a keyboard to it lmao lmao
it probably be better for DS cause u could touch the itesm/skills u wanted to use
its gonna come out on DS, I think Wizet and Nintendo already worked something out
ther wouldn’t b enough buttons and things for the psp lol
楓之谷 i heard its coming out on ds spring 2007ish for kms man i cant wait x-D
冒險島(MapleStory)是熱門的線上遊戲,它是韓國「Wizet」公司所開發,並由「Nexon」公司代理營運。台灣版由遊戲橘子代理營運,中國大陸版由盛大代理。 遊戲畫面以2D橫向捲軸為表現方式,很類似過去任天堂Famicom知名的遊戲“超級瑪莉兄弟”,因為操作簡單,視覺方面以可愛、活潑而受到歡迎。
メイプルストーリー (MapleStory) は、ネクソンジャパンが運営するMMORPG。 主に「メイプル」、「メイポ(めいぽ)」などと呼ぶ事が多い。 クローズドβ、オープンβテスト期間を経て、2003年12月3日に正式運営が開始された
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메이플스토리는 위젯에서 개발하고 넥슨에서 배급하는 온라인 MMORPG게임으로, 사이드 스크롤 방식의 2D 온라인 게임이다.
2006년 E3에서 넥슨이 닌텐도 DS용으로 개발한다고 밝혔다.
바깥 고리
메이플스토리 홈페이지
MapleStory DS is the tenative title of the Nintendo DS version of the game, which is currently under development. The Korean release date is set for late 2006 or early 2007. It is still unknown if Wizet will release a Global version of the game.
there 4 diffrent languges
so its coming out very soon Oo
sees Korean people everywhere with DS with a maple pack
hey if u go to
it will have a Maple Story game. i bet its gonna be the same on DS. u should check it out. Maple Story and Counter Strike is getting popular ^_^