He desperately brought up his shield to block the Shadow Weaver’s sword
Maldran woke up sweating profusely. He sighed with relief when he realized it was only a dream.
He then gasped with horror, seeing the puddle on his bed.
He dismissed the thought, and soon returned to his slumber.
At first, the Maplers led lives of peace and prosperity. But all the changed when the monsters attacked.
Being peaceful people, the Maplers were caught by surprised and many were slain. The elders of each city (except Lith Harbor) knew that something had to be done.
The four great cities mobilized for WAR.
The mages of Ellinia quickly adapted their magic for combat. For the next four months, they were the sole guardians of Victoria Island. Eventually, it seemed that the brutal onslaught of monsters would be stopped.
Then came the Balrog.
Hines tensed suddenly, his reading interrupted by a slight rustling from the door. He chanted an invisibility spell, then slowly turned around.
He died instantly as the Balrog’s claws pierced his heart.
Helena frantically scurried around, shouting orders to fortify the town. Later that night, she retired to her archery range, and fitted an arrow to her bow.
She missed.
Helena quickly spun around and loosed another arrow at the incoming Balrog. She stared in disbelief as the Valorite arrow simply bounced off.
The Balrog summoned a black blade seemingly made of shadows, and performed a devastating diagonal chop. Helena brought her seemingly-indestructible longbow up to block it.
The bow shattered.
As the Balrog prepared to swing again, it shuddered and went limp as a powerful gust of wind hit it.
“Good timing, Dark Lord.” Helena commented.
“There is no time for pleasantries. Many more Balrogs have been summoned to this island ”
Maldran literally jumped out of his bed and hit the ceiling. “Ow.”
He then stared in disbelief at the second, fresher puddle on his bed.
Rate/comment/flame pl0x.
Edit : More comics will be made once I get some good ideas >_<
LOL. I laughed at the puddle part
Rogs are evil O_O
LOL I think the puddle part’s funny
What about the comics. . ?
Pretty cool. I’ll be waiting for the next chapter.
Awesome, frontpaged.
“A fresher puddle?!”
xD lol nice story
What the hell? >:o
You’re awesome at making comics, and you have talent in writing too?
That shouldnt be allowed, You’re making me feel bad Dx
Well its rlly good

Keep it up!
LMAO @ “the second, fresher puddle”
The Gonzales is the God of Comics and OK at Writing. I sacrifice a sharpie marker to please thee.