[Comic] The Math Teacher o_o;;March 13, 2007 ganzicus15 Comments[h]The comic[/h]xPedit : Err, it’s diameter not radius x)
Oh.This makes me so glad i am done with math for this year.This makes me so sad i have advanced math next year.Woot.
I missed the Math Competition (MCTM) today! D:I was sick and my friend had to take my place!Now I have to run stair laps in P.E.!~Cheezy
And in math you seemingly write essays. That cracked me up. The corny attacks ruined it for me =/ *Wants a cookie.*
Math Teachers. .
I hate math T.T It’s BORING
The power of justice includes math too.
Taxes, lawyer’s fees, etc. 
Bah. The lawyer should have been Phoenix Wright.
Besides that, good work!
Great morality in this comic XD
Flippin hilarious, and creative. Math instruction . . .
This makes me so glad i am done with math for this year.
This makes me so sad i have advanced math next year.
I missed the Math Competition (MCTM) today! D:
I was sick and my friend had to take my place!
Now I have to run stair laps in P.E.!
If the teacher had a mustache.
Circumference = Pi x Radius squared.
Nice comic, though!
Stop using corny naruto attacks. They err, Lets call Naruto attacks copyrighted and irksome =].
The cornyness of the attack add to the humour. ^^
And in math you seemingly write essays. That cracked me up. The corny attacks ruined it for me =/ *Wants a cookie.*