A blog.
Okay, this’ll be a general summary of my MMO’ing over the last week or so.
One thing first : The picture is just some random editing I did in my spare time. Hope you like it
I haven’t been going on much, but I did manage to loot a level 60 something Shotgun which I NPC’ed for 48k.
I quit. D: My account on RRO has hereby been forfeited to quang13.
I made a new Cleric-to-be. Rakanis, currently level 17 or 18. I took a somewhat mixed build, getting 10 Magic Claw first then the Improving Max MP junk.
I just hope I won’t run out of potion money before level 30.
I also went on a number of stalk ‘n’ fame runs with various random MMOers who I found online at the same time as me.
The list includes :
– AliyahRoyal
– SirPainsalot
– Kitten
– Lazydame
– Revrant
– Annikabelle
– Thelastcor
Overall, quite fun.
I didn’t manage to stalk anyone but I did create a new HP warrior, since my old one was screwed. But this one will be more of a hybrid; Kulgen will be capped at 50 STR and 50 DEX.
On Ganzicus, I managed to acquire 15% while helping Ana (1braindead1) train/explore. I PQed a few times on her account while she was waiting for MS to finish downloading, then we went to Orbis, down Orbis Tower, beneath Orbis Tower, through Aqua Road and into Korean Folk Town. We visited the King Goblin place where I summoned a dozen or so to fight. Luckily neither of us died there.
Afterwards, we returned to Ludibrium via Helios Tower after acquiring a large amount of cheese from the librarian. We went to Mushroom Shrine where we ALMOST died at bains, then to Orbis to train at Jr Grupins. After she died due to a glitch in the game, we got on the ship back to Victoria Island and journeyed deep into the Excavation Camp where I got pwned by a combination of an Officer Skeleton and my Magic Guard wearing off.
So then we went to Cold Cradle where I used one of the fabled Banana Graham Pies and pwned everything. Then she died from one of the drakes and then I died below the bottom of the map by getting hit at killed mid-jump on a wall. I’d provide a screenshot, but it’s on my own computer which is currently screwed. </3 It did create a barcode-like effect though.
Then we went to the Sauna and logged off.
Attempted to stalk MasterCheeze, FirstKnight, Iepiat, BlackNazgul and Gujju. Failed miserably D:
Only Nazgul was on, and he was at Zombies D:
Attempted to stalk Dee32693 on my level 6 Beginner. Failed, as she was deep in the Ant Tunnel.
I then stalked Grimno all the way through fields of crystal boars and whateverthoseotherthingswere to Amo’s Hunting Ground. There I awkwardly said hi and fled while they were distracted.
Not much.
Again, not much.
Played a Skirmish map then got bored and went to Age of Mythology.
Here I pwned both “Fall of the Trident” and “The New Atlantis.”
Then I played a random map, used a Lazar Bear and several Chicken Meteors. Which rain deadly methane chickens upon thy foes ;D
And “Mythic Cops” by PFTQ It’s (censor)ING AMAZING. WATCH IT OR ELSE (Unless you don’t have AoM) Search for it on aom.heavengames.com, it’s simply stupendous ;D
School’s out, and summer has begun I managed to get an average of 82% on my report card, which is good considering how lazy I tend to be. Other than that, not much happened except the following scenario :
Friday July uhh… whatever the 2nd last Friday was, 2007
A group of grade 9s had brought several dozen 2L bottles of Diet Coca Cola to celebrate the last day of school. Of course, there were also several packets of Mentos.
Some of the spray landed on the roof.
Some of the spray hit an unlucky seagull.
The disgruntled seagull took his revenge on William (one of the grade 9s) by crapping on his face while he was looking up at the spray.
The crap landed on his nose, and he was so shocked that he left his mouth open. Some of it dripped in.
While he was quickly running back inside the school to clean himself off, many people saw him and immediately thought he was umm
(insert vulgarity that originally meant “happy". Hilarious.
Well, last night something horrible happened to my computer. (I’m typing this from my mother’s) My uncle will be coming over later to try and fix it, but don’t expect much response from me until tomorrow. If all goes well, well, all will be well. o.o
And that ends another probably-not-that-well-written blog. Hope you enjoyed it
Eww that guy at the top who is weird is just , yuk!
You tried to stalk me too remember? But I was in coolies and you were like hell no lol!
-=The Nazgul=-
Cheesy hasn’t been on much lately, and as for Piat, I haven’t seen him in more than a month. >.<
Hope your computer gets fixed soon!
Yea Iepiat quit MS I think.
-=The Nazgul=-
Aw. Well, if he’s never on, I s’pose it’s the same as quitting. *shrug*
No well I know him in real life, and he told me he quit I think.
-=The Nazgul=-
Yay, I was in grade 9 too!(Lol, I know sometimes I seem so idiotic it’s unbelievable)
But now I’m moving on up!
I WILL GET YOU, and you can’t eat me with that fork of yours!
~LaZzz. . .
Gujju plays in Broa? I’mma have to hook up with here sometime, but I still don’t have NX! I can’t bare/bear to show my face w/out NX. :'(
Andandand~ Since Ieatpie quit; can I have his account? 8D
Hmm, I enjoyed reading that. Quite the story and adventure, I miss those days (I use to do what you did in your description almost like everyday). Good BLog, Kudos to you man.
No point stalking me =(
Maple was uninstalled on my computer by mistake. When i tried to install it again, it failed.
And i gave up asking people for help lol
you don’t know how awesome your pixel editing skillz are
@ Maplerz : Wha?
@ Nazgul : Oooh right! Added you
@ Cinnamon : Thanks
@ Lazydame : Sorry about that. Added you too
@ Cheeze : Your NX ran out? O.o EEK! -runs away-
@ Polish : Thanks a lot
@ Gujju : Nuuu D:
@ Guruji : Yea I do. >D
As for the tech stuff, my uncle came over a few hours ago but he still hasn’t looked at my comppy. WHAT A SLACKER D<
Boo-yeah. My comppy is back online.
Although one of the harddrives isn’t