Hanging out at Broa…getting engaged?

So, I’ve been hanging out at Broa again now that I’ve finished with all my vet school apps..I happened to meet this guy several days ago and since then he has courted me pretty aggressively. A couple of days ago, he pops out a Crossed Hearts ring.

So I think, “Yeah, he seems allright..and I wanna do the marriage thing, so sure!”

And now whenever we get close our little maple hearts beat passionately and we get these swords over us with a heart. It’s pretty cute. n.n;

But…as with all rushed relationships, you begin to see flaws you didn’t notice initially. My hubby happens to get pretty feisty with other people, to the point of it getting kind of embarassing. And on top of that, now that I’m taken, I have become exceedingly attractive to male maplers; of course my bf has to be the jealous type. OF COURSE!

I suppose it’s something he’s gonna have to work on if he wants to stay with me. x3

Jeez, listen to this DRAMA! I knew this was gonna happen.

On another note, I’ve been getting pretty good at the lpq. n.n I’m so proud of myself…just one more level to go until I can wear my Calas! It’s been gathering so much dust.

I added some screenies of my latest looks. Gotta stay fresh, rite? ;p

12 thoughts on “Hanging out at Broa…getting engaged?”

  1. Good for you, though rushing things really isn’t a good idea. It’s likes people that smega “L>GF@@@@@” Or something. You have to really get to know the person before you make a big decision on whether or not you’d stay with the person. Meh. Still, hope your “Rushed relationship” works out for the best.


  2. Another taken girl. Yet I flirt with them anyways. Acutally =O. . . I can’t. . . THAT IS UNTIL YOUR LEVEL 69, THEN YOUR TORMENT SHALL BEGIN >D

    Edit: I flirt playfully. Ask the amazing Aliyah

  3. MeepsterXP said: “Another taken girl. Yet I flirt with them anyways. Acutally =O. . . I can’t. . . THAT IS UNTIL YOUR LEVEL 69, THEN YOUR TORMENT SHALL BEGIN >D

    Edit: I flirt playfully. Ask the amazing Aliyah”


  4. Me: *F3*
    Girl: *F6*
    Me: *F3*
    Girl: I’m married…
    Me: *F4*
    Girl: *F6*
    Girl: *walks away*
    Me: *Follows and F3s*

  5. I think that your relationship is pretty good, considering the number of people who look for potential mates with supermegaphones. I mean, honestly,

  6. MeepsterXP said: “Another taken girl. Yet I flirt with them anyways. Acutally =O. . . I can’t. . . THAT IS UNTIL YOUR LEVEL 69, THEN YOUR TORMENT SHALL BEGIN >D

    Edit: I flirt playfully. Ask the amazing Aliyah”

    Ya mean the D cup thing?
    Than yes he is amazing ^ .^

  7. MeepsterXP said: “I’ll flirt with you in a playful way D:<“

    I guess that’s acceptable, then. :p

  8. Ganache said: “

    MeepsterXP said: “I’ll flirt with you in a playful way D:<“

    I guess that’s acceptable, then. :p”

    Awesome. -Boob grope- THIS IS PLAYFUL >: D

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